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Why were they invented? Bad for the heart. Bad for the mind.

Bad for the people you love, if they happened to be around.

Yeah, why?

Well, for one, they helped the man get his mind straight.

His hands shook a little, as he held the little lighter. It felt empty, the little hard plastic thing. The rumpled shirt, stained shoes, crooked glasses, and solemn doctor. The tiny flame flickered as he brought it close to the cigarette he held with his mouth.

Putting the thing back in his white coat, he closed his eyes, and inhaled.

The blonde doctor aligned his one of his pigtails, leaning against the wall. Strands of it still poked out and the band that was holding it, seemed like it was going to pop and sting his finger at any moment. 

He was at the parking lot, behind the main hospital area in general. There weren't many cars there, and the birds native to the region didn't seem to want to shut the hell up. He sighed, looking up at the sky and rubbing his temple. 

He exhaled. 

Musty gray smoke, that of course, matched those damn stupid eyes. Fuck them. They glisten when they're excited. They seem brighter when he's drunk. They lose their color when he's upset, fuck it.  Speaking of drunk, that's what he wanted to be in this very moment. Lost in the clutches of a glass bottle, despite him being the one that clutched it in those rough hands.

He took the cigarette out of his mouth, looking at the ground as if to say something to it.

"She doesn't even know my name."

Street lights started to appear bright, night arriving pretty quickly. The rain started to come back, drizzling.

The doctor seemed aggravated, his fist clenched. He faced the brick wall. He punched it, anger apparent. The bricks seemed disoriented, a small dent and cracks showing.

"She doesn't even know my fucking name!"

He sighed.

"Is it really her? No, it can't be. I'm sure of it-"

His thoughts flash, a blurred display of Olive, showing how cheerful she was the moment.

'My best friend is puppy, you know?'

His throat clogged up at the moment, his sentences delaying into coughing. Smoke puffed out here, and there.

He had forgotten to exhale.

"Fuck.. It can't be."

Things got even more distorted around him.

The brick wall was no longer brick, but..  Browning concrete?

That stupid wall.

The poorly chiseled wall with those poorly drawn faces on them. Oh, how they squirmed and mocked him so.

In his hand, he held not a burning cigarette, but a rusty dagger.

This couldnt be real.

Could it?

The doctor started to sweat, despite the cold rain that poured. He felt his face,anxious and paranoid. 

He wore no glasses.

The familiar pink fabric that enwrapped his head seemed to stick to his hand and refuse to detach.

This was a nightmare. The doctor's mind was racing. The parking lot was sand.

The nearby buildings were tents.

The people that approached him, concerned as the man shook uncontrollably, looked like a familiar black-haired cheery man and his cowardly purple, wolf companion. The doctor no longer held the cigarette, it being put out by the rain. He saw nothing but painful memories. And it hurt.

Some hospital staff getting ready to go home spotted him, and thought he needed help.

They held him,  one wearing a hjjab with green and orange gems pulled out her phone.

"Sir? Sir, are you alright?"


"Pavolitou, I don't think he's conscious."

"Get someone to pick him up, now."

The doctor laid there, practically delirious in their arms. He saw no hospital staff.

He saw two performers from visiting circuses, asking him if he could do an encore.

"Do it again,please!"

"Please? Your flips were so cool!"

"You have to teach us one day. Can you give us some tips?"

"Again, again!"

"Wow, can you really do the part where you breathed fire upside down? Could you do it again?"

The man was simply trying to comprehend it all.

He muttered to himself, eyes dilated.

"Of course, I'll do all of it again! I'm the greatest performer there ever was.."

One of the staff picked up his ID card that dropped from his coat midway.

"He works here,too.."

"What's his name,then?"


Side Note: sorry this chapter was short, I felt like the new few events that are going to happen shouldn't all be crammed into 1.chapters, so yeah

I'm working on chapter 12, and planning to reach 1400 or more words on that

Silent Affection: A Future Popee x [OC] ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now