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Olive watched as Kedamono's tail started to wag normally after about an hour. His mask returned to the one with a pale blue tint with nothing on it.

After partly being reassured,she tried to remember where in the world the gate to the circus.

Papi had told Olive, that when they get lost to look for the gate. Keep on following the direction the gate is in, and you'll eventually find your way to a street. And we all know where streets lead.

Olive had a spare plastic shopping bag she had found in a rubbish tent.

She signed to Kedamono, 'We are almost ready!'

Kedamono twitched his tail and his mask dropped to show a plain white one, with nothing but a simple drawn smile on it.

In the bag Olive had, was the remaining of the food contents she could scavenge around, the same bottle of water she used to give Kedamono,but it was empty. She thought that she could refill it, instead of simply throwing it away. A "sweater" that Olive had modified; it was simply an old circus costume she found in a trunk, but she stitched it up, with Popee's dagger and string from the worn out banners above. She kept the string and dagger,as they might be useful.

She would give this to Kedamono whenever he got cold, she thought. 

And the last item, was a $5 bill, she luckily found in Paola's seating compartment. Olive was still new to the money system they had here in this land, but she knew that it was worth something.

Speaking of Paola, Olive left a note by where the vehicle usually parked herself, in case she ever wanted to come. Paola was gone as well; as the only things that remained of her were the two orange and green gems that were placed on her forehead. She clutched the bag in one hand, and helped Kedamono get up,struggling. His body was deadly hot, sort of like a fever,but more intense. 

They started to walk towards the gate, but more cautiously. Olive took note of Kedamono's breathing every few minutes or so, and adjusted speed accordingly.

After several periods of walking, something black and tall with gaps in it appeared ahead.

Olive signed to Kedamono,panting a bit.

'We are almost there,buddy.'

The tall structure looked dull up close, and had claw marks on it. Olive shivered at the sight of them,remembering who had caused them. She leaned Kedamono up on the stationary side of the gate, the wolf groaning softly and clutching his stomach. Olive went to the far right side and used almost all of her strength to lift the latch that locked the gate. She pushed it off, and set the giant latch on the ground, pushing open the gate slowly. 

Lifting Kedamono and leaning him against her,they trudged out of the circus bounds, slowly but surely making their way to "civilization".

Kedamono started to heat up again,muttering. 

Olive wondered how long it would take for the poor thing to heal from his condition. At least,he was actually moving and barely speaking. To Olive, it was a sign of improvement. But he still needed medical attention. Questions began to run through her mind,however. 

How would they get assistance?

Could they find a decent living area to substitute for that horrific desert?

Would Kedamono ever get better?

Would $5 even benefit them?

And most of all, how would they overcome what they experienced long ago?

Olive was troubled,sweat running down her forehead. Kedamono struggled to look up to her,but wagged his tail near her leg, dropping a mask to reveal a messily drawn, cute expression, as a effort to calm her.

After all, Olive did look after him ever since the incident. It was the least he could attempt to do.

It seems her prayers were answers, because a small road along a ruined pavement came up. Olive felt weird to step upon a different surface for once. Same for Kedamono, as he stumbled when walking on it.

The sun was partly getting covered by gray clouds. 

Okay, so some scenery was discovered, but what next?

Olive looked around at where this road exactly lead to, but it seemed endless. There was a bus stop a few feet down,she noticed. A bus stop? To the desert? Who made up these things?

She signed, cautiously, 'Wait here,please.'

The wolf sniffed and slowly nodded, struggling to maintain his balance. 

As Olive approached the bus stop, her vision got fuzzy. 

She observed the timelist,trying to salvage what image she could,seeing the same claw marks on it. As she felt the rough,ripped paper, her mind went clear.

She saw a faint image,shocked.


It was of a male. His face was scribbled and blurred out, so Olive didn't really see much. He had a briefcase in his hand and blonde hair. He stepped onto the small bus as it slowly pulled up. It closed and drove off, distorting as things went black.


Olive saw things regular again, absolutely confused by what she just experienced.

Did that mean the bus stop still worked? Perhaps the man who visited the stop came here recently.

Olive was still unsure, and went back to checking the paper. The only legible times were 6:00 AM and 12:45 PM.

Olive surely didn't want to miss the first bus and then have to wait another 6 hours for a next one to hopefully arrive.

She ran back to Kedamono, who was sitting in an area the shade overlooked.

She signed to him,hopeful.

'I think this stop still works! We need to be early to catch it.'

Kedamono wagged his tail, curious. He wanted to be hopeful too.

The sun started to make the sky a hazy pink,as it sunk into the horizon.

Kedamono and Olive had decided that they would take the night to rest, in order to wake up early and catch the bus.

She leaned against the wall, trying to stay awake, but couldn't help it. Her legs grew weary and she sunk to the ground some inches from Kedamono. Her eyelids became heavy and shut,still clutching the bag of supplies.

Kedamono tail wagging grew to a stop as he grew tired as well. They slept, in hopes of catching that bus in the morning, whenever morning was.

Silent Affection: A Future Popee x [OC] Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें