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'Why can't I be doctor?' Olive signed,curious.

"Because, I make rules and I wanna cut people up!" Popee said, angrily.

'what about putting them back together?' Olive signed back.

"Don't wanna." He simply replied.

Popee and Olive were 14 years old again. Papi had left to go meet with another circus,taking them and Kedamono. Popee and Olive were stuck in the waiting room.

Olive made the action of sighing.


"Now sit on the chair, and I'll check you up!"

Olive did as she was told,sitting on that rough, dark red leather chair. She kicked her legs against it and tapped her hands nervously, not knowing what Popee would do.

He opened the blue satchel that rested along his hip. It had a red stain and the bottom of it. Olive squinted at it, lips trembling at what she thought it was.  Popee pulled out tons of bandages and what looked to be a skinny dagger. 

Olive squirmed in the chair, about to get up.

'What's all that for?', she signed, hesitant.

Popee's face then showed that infamous, eerie grin.

As he held up the dagger, he mischievously spoke,



Olive jolted up from that hard hospital bed. She looked over to the panel of commuter buttons. Oh, how she desperately wanted to press that green button with the white plus on it. She didn't like the feeling of being alone. 

Unfortunately, that feeling didn't mind. It stayed for as long as it liked, and it loved, more than anything, to bother that girl, Olive.

The beeping machine not only did nothing to calm her, but annoyed her now. She was a bit tired of it. She wanted her legs to move, and so she made them.

She took those silly tubes and bandages and tubes off her wrist, unaware of their purpose and forced her legs to help her sit up on that bed. She pushed the table back into its "regular" position and stood.

She wobbled at first, the blood now returning to her legs. 

She wanted to find her wolf accomplice and get out of this silent and beeping white place.

She trudged slowly over to the door , slowly but surely opening it. Once she got the hang over how a doorknob worked, she opened the door and creaked it quietly, not to draw attention. 

Once out of that prison, she took a deep breath, taking in the wonders of the hallways. What new things would come her way this time?

She strolled, distracted and brushing her hands against other patients' doors. She rose on her toes, looking through the little windows of the doors, curious being let free.

She signed to herself, marveling.

'Nice and all, but where is your wolf friend?'

She snapped back to reality and walked down to the near end of hallway. Something tall had caught her attention.

She walked quickly over to it, fingers to her backside. 

The tall metal thing had doors, but they were closed. This confused Olive. She tried knocking on them, but they didn't open.

She then noticed the two buttons to the side of this weird metal thing, on its own little panel. She pressed both of them, not even knowing what they did.

A few moments later, Olive heard something clunking up to the floor she was on. Those heavy doors finally opened. She opened her mouth in surprise, but of course, no sound emerged.

She walked in, and the doors came together, closing. Olive jumped at the sight of them, and got worried. She didn't even know what this weird moving metal she was inside was. A trail of sweat rolled down the side of her forehead.

She looked to the left and saw an even taller panel of buttons, stepping over to them. Those shiny yellow things, Olive wondered what they did, yes. 

She knew the ones outside made the funny doors open. What did these do?

She saw the numbers on them, and pressed them randomly. 

The elevator made a beep noise. Olive disliked it, but stood still as it started moving. Due to her stomach, she could tell it was moving upward. 

It rose upwards for a good minute and made a ding sound, the doors opening. She saw people wearing the same white gown as her being rolled around in some bed. They were accompanied by people that wore the same white coat the man in her room wore. It made her wonder.

The doors closed again. It went upward again, but for a shorter period of time. Olive hoped to see something new this time.

She saw a hallway with doors and an open space, there were young woman dressed in solid colors and funny tubes around their neck. They were playing with children, coloring, singing, watching television, all of that. The children weren't perfect, though. Olive spotted a young girl bouncing a ball with her feet. She had no arms, yet still giggled and running around with another girl that had, robot legs? This confused Olive, but still, she smiled to herself at the sight of it all. It made her happy on the inside.

The doors closed again, making more stops. Olive went up and down, for a good five minutes, she believed. Her stomach felt weird. Her legs felt even weirder. She had the sudden urge to sit and let her wrists relax. A seed of regret started to blossom in her brain. The elevator opened again, and she could've sworn she saw something purple wagging in a bed to her right, but her legs refused to move, no matter how much she forced them. Her eyes grew weary, but she could at least control those.

One last button was now only lit up on the panel. It simply said, "GROUND" on it. Olive was going to the ground? Weird.

This trip took the longest. The lights flickered, freaking Olive out a bit. She heard a peculiar clunking behind her, making her turn her back to watch the machine's walls behind her. She saw nothing. She turned back, expected to see another floor of happy babies and children. The doors opened and a chill went up her spine. She stood, eyes looking right toward a cold gaze that she recognized. A cold gaze that belonged to those dangerous ocean blue eyes.

The man stood, not saying anything. He looked as if he wanted to get in, fingers still on the small panel of buttons outside to open the doors.

Olive said nothing, as she couldn't. 

The man said nothing, as he wouldn't.

She wanted to move her hands and sign him. Explain. Tell him. She couldn't. It's like every other part of her was drained except her eyes, mentally connected to his.

The man looked scary to her from that perspective, with that serious, solemn expression. He had a tray of syringes and more vials, the same as the ones that used to reside in her room. In his next hand, he held a grocery bag, that looked like it barely contained much.

He said nothing and walked in slowly, not breaking the contact with the girl.

Her lips trembled as he grunted and gripped both items in his hand tighter. He looked at the floor now as the elevator closed.

He pressed a button with a black"4" on it, and the elevator rose silently.

Silent Affection: A Future Popee x [OC] ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now