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Olive's eyesight grew fuzzy, but then her round, alert eyes jolted awake.

She was back to the drawing board.

She hadn't sat up but clenched her fists, and looked at her lap. Feeling something slender and something injecting her legs, she made the action of snapping, frustrated to herself.

'Aw, man! Back here.'

She looked to the right, seeing the man with his head down. He was snoring.

Olive made the action of giggling. It, was silly to her. 

Pushing off the white sheet on her legs, she marveled at the get up on her legs. Transparent wires entangled around her right one. A few suction cup things attached to both, delivered the tiniest of shocks every now and then. She definitely felt awake, now noticing them.

Now knowing that getting up and leaving was not an option, Olive turned her attention to one thing that intrigued the most:

That green, shiny "CALL" button with the white plus on it, oh how she eyed it. She peeked back up at the man, still snoring. His head din't face her, so she thought it would be okay to let her curiosity run wild for a bit.

'Okay, do it!'

Olive leaned over the bed, stretching out her hand, which was oddly still wrapped in white gauze and had some glowing red thing on her pointer finger. Like a kitten about to knock something down, she quickly pressed it. It satisfied her, the little noise it made while pressing down. She waited for something, anything. Her lip trembled, Olive was disappointed.

About to reach for the remote the man told her about, she heard a vibrating noise coming from the man's..pocket?

His snoring faltered, eyes dusting open and soon, the man's whole torso jolted up. He looked around, a trail of drool still visible on his cheek and gathered his bearings. 

Olive reached for the button again, and the man reached for her hand, smacking it away from it.

Olive looked up at him, but felt less intimidated by him this time. Why?

Because of his no more neat pigtails, were scruffy clumps of dusty yellow hair. 

His dark red, glossy glasses were, crooked.

His perfectly toned caramel skin was,

Well it had drool on it.

Olive stifled what appeared to be a silent giggle.

"Stop laughing."

She stuck her tongue out at him, signing heftily.


He straightened his glasses and wiped his face, glaring at Olive.

"I told you not to press that button! And even more, you leave the room and faint! I had to carry you here! Don't you ever know to listen?"

Olive pressed her fingers together, bashful. She know what she did was wrong. 

Was she sorry?

No, just curious.

She signed, apologetically.

"You remind me like mom."

The doctor scowled at her, uh, statement.

He squinted at her, annoyed.

"Well, if you weren't so mischievous, I wouldn't have to remind you of her!"

Silent Affection: A Future Popee x [OC] ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now