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It was an oddly cool and quiet day in the circus, the wind occasionally blowing sand to and fro.

The banners and flags waved softly,and the faint scent of chicken wafted with it.

Olive sat on the cool sand,under the shade of a purple and pink tent supposedly hers and a small smile emerged on her face as she took in the whole scene. On their side of the mirror, it was just Kedamono, Paola, and herself present this very day.

The reason for such silence?

It was Popee.

Popee was gone.

Olive remembered the day it all happened. Bombs seemed to never stop appearing from Popee's hands-er paws. There were daggers wedged in tents, the ground, the wall that had those funny expressions smeared on them,even the large clock that seemed miles away, as a sign of them have been thrown with such force, and, anger.

If Olive could have screamed that day,she would've.

She and Kedamono ran around frantically,desperate to find shelter from Popee's tantrum. He yelled, cursing what he would he do to them when he found them. Kedamono whimpered, anxiously shaking his head left to right,as if trying to wake up from a dream.

Olive made a shushing finger and signed that they must keep quiet. She peeked up from that large purple chest they resided behind,only to spot the "devil" himself. A burn mark was present on his left cheek, a sign that he misused one of those black,round explosives.

He scowled, walking around,his steps practically silent with his jumpsuit and the smooth sand underneath.

He had a pile of bombs in his hand, glaring around,trying to spot those two other performers he despised. She tried to locate Paola, as she and Kedamono could use her as a method of escape. She was over by Popee's tent.

Dismantled and bloody.

'This was really it', Olive thought.

Only about a year at this new circus establishment, and the world was coming to an end for her. She did not like the feeling of dying, only experiencing it a few times, in contrast to the other members. This was because she tried as much as possible to avoid any contact with Popee. Sure, they greeted each other from time to time, but what from she had heard, he wasn't exactly the calmest stone in the river.

She turned to the right to seek some sort of comfort from Kedamono, only find nothing but a trail of dark blood right where he was sitting.

She jumped, in terror.Her only accomplice had been taken under her nose,so silently. Her thoughts were interrupted as something sharp has been making contact with her back. She turned slowly, not doing anything rash and looked up.

She looked up to see Popee staring down at her, with the most eeriest smile she had ever seen on his face. Blood was splattered all over his outfit and face,and in one hand, he held a chainsaw,tapping her back.The other was Kedamono's head, showing a gruesome expression.

Both of them were frozen in the moment, Olive wanted to make a noise. Popee dared her to.

Her arm twitched, and that drove Popee's pupils to it immediately.

How was she expected to get out of this now?

He threw the head at her, muttering under his breath.

She jumped,not looking down at it as it bloodied her outfit and remained focused on his gaze,trying not to break it.

"I'm tired of this." ,he dryly spoke.

"I don't want it anymore, it's not fun."

Olive wondered,thoughts rushing through her head.

Was Popee finally....?

"Look what you've all me do. I could easily slice your head off,too. Would you like to be with your buddy Kedamono?"

Olive opened her mouth and nothing came out.


The wind blew between them. 

He dropped the familiar black and round object by Olive's hip and turned around,walking.

Olive tried to get up in shock,but was paralyzed at what had just occurred. The string on the object ran out quickly and she was blasted up a few feet in the air.

She fell down back into the now hard sand, a burn mark at her hip and left leg.

She lay there, watching with eyes barely open, Popee about a mile away,walking. He refused to turn around and didn't even wipe a speck of blood of him.

He opened the large black gate that enclosed the front part of the circus, picking up the speed.

The wind picked up again, meaning the sand would go haywire.

She clasped Kedamono's bloody head tightly and braced for the worst, attempting to curl up her body. The sand swarmed everywhere, and when she opened her right eye slightly to take a peek in front of her, it stung, but it was official. Popee was nowhere to be seen, and everything around her was dead.

Her vision grew fuzzy, and soon, a nightmare black.

Silent Affection: A Future Popee x [OC] ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now