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note: to anyone who knows who I'm referring to, I won't be using the white-haired version of her, but the black-haired version; it fits with what I'm going for


The first woman wearing a gem- embedded hijab handed a paper bag to a woman.

The other woman, looked to be 19, her blue eyes, and rough but cute style of clothes. She was at the pharmacy section of the hospital. 

The other woman looked similar to the doctor in facial features, and stern eyes for comparison. She eyed the nurse from what she could see. 

She looked..familiar.


"Thank you for coming. Please read the directions on these and have him take them every 3 hours."

"No problem, Ms. Pavolitou?"

The nurse smiled, adjusting her head wear.

The woman kept her bland expression. She wasn't in a mood to smile. All she worried about in this moment was her older brother, who still seemed at this moment to be delusional.

"Do I know you from somewhere, Ms. Pavolitou?"

The nurse raised an eyebrow, but quickly laughed it off.

"Unfortunately, no. The last thing I remember was being at a beach, strangely. I think I was delusional back then."

"Ah, sorry to bother you then."

The nurse looked up from the computer, waving her arms in hopes of clearing the awkward tension.

"No, no worries! Please, just watch over him, and have a good night."

The blue-eyed woman, squinted at her a bit, then turned around, heading for the entrance. She waved nonchalantly.

"The same to you, Miss."

The nurse watched as she left the hospital, clutching the bag of pills.

She sighed, picking up a picture nearby on her desk, looking resentful.

"What have you two done to yourselves.."


The young black-haired woman, stood outside under the roof of the hospital, by the parking lot. The little black Toyota was parked across the street. She opened her phone, looking at the time. This had happened so late, 11:49 the bright screen displayed. The woman sighed and opened her umbrella.

"Fucking liar."

Barely waiting for the light to signal that the street was clear, she hurriedly crossed it and opened the sleek car door. Once inside, she felt relieved. Tired of being on her feet all day. A busy dancer she was, anyways.

Silent Affection: A Future Popee x [OC] ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant