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Olive shook her head at the horrifying memory.

But it was true. The demon, known as Popee has vanished into the chaotic sand.

She had taken a week to wake up from that calamity.

Kedamono rested in his tent, Olive having dragged him,unable to carry him there. He was paralyzed and could only mutter small sentences.

Perhaps, it was still the mental arrest? She had thoughts racing.

Suddenly, a faint groaning was to be heard from a tent to the far left. She got up from sitting in the shade and headed over to Kedamono's yellow and indigo tent. Opening the small flap for an entrance,she trudged inside, curious as to what Kedamono needed now. She had just helped him engulf wings in a cringey manner and read him a book about frogs she found lying about in Papi's withered tent.

Keda's mask dropped to a pained one as Olive signed to him as to ask what's wrong.

"Olive...A walk...please.."

A walk?

How strange. Kedamono,not wanting to get up for days,now asking for a walk?

Olive gave the wolf a similar suspicious look.


Olive made the action of sighing and struggled, but managed to pick the wolf up. He stumbled a lot, groaning in pain. There were still visible red lines all over his body, showing where the damage was done. Olive took him by the arm and back and together, they stumbled out. The sun hit them hard. 

Left foot.

Then Right.

Then Left.


Kedamono and Olive were starting to make haste of things.

Kedamono wagged his now stub of a tail slowly, his mask dropping to show a fatigued smile. They walked in circles.

They walked back and forth.

They eventually almost walked around the whole circus, when Kedamono started to cough and pant. Olive tried to reassure him and turned them around.

Kedamono couldn't and fell to the ground. They were too far from the main tent area. Olive started to get teary. She did not want to be all alone here. If anything, that would be a nightmare. Who knows what stuff lures here when nobody is around?


Kedamono was still lying on the ground, breathing heavily. This was not like anything Olive had seen before. It had been quite some time since what happened, and she thought Kedamono was sure to get better. But he didn't.


She turned back to him unsure of what to do, shifting uncomfortably.

Kedamono's mask dropped and showed one with a light blue tint to it and half closed eyes and a drooling mouth.

Olive attempted to drag him back towards the tent area for a few minutes and started to pant herself. She did it again.

Kedamono's masks were starting to have a more saturated blue tint to them. There was nothing but a foaming mouth on it. 

She finally reached the tent area and put Kedamono to lie outside of his tent in the shade,where she was.

She ran inside,searching a source of water. She opened the dresser drawer. None.

She opened the small orange and yellow suitcase. There was none.

She looked under his rickety bed. Maybe.

She reached for the small blue bottle, observing it and pulling it out quickly. It was half full and dented, but she was thankful, doing the action of wiping sweat off her forehead.

She went back outside,eager to help the wolf.

There were 2 dropped masks beside him.

The one he was wearing had a bold dark blue color and bloodshot eyes looking to the ground.

Olive was scared, but moved closer.

Kedamono did not move, his tail only twitched.

Olive was unsure if Kedamono was even alive to see what she was doing, but she did it anyways.

She had signed to him, 'It's me. Look, I have it. Water!'

Kedamono's mask did not change but his tail twitched more, as if paused in the process of wagging.

She hurriedly opened the bottle and poured the remaining liquid into his mouth, lifting his mask carefully.

His tail began to wag slowly.

It was clear to Olive that they could not remain here for the rest of their lives. 

They needed help.

Medical help.

Silent Affection: A Future Popee x [OC] ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now