18. Laddie & Dwayne

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After both Papa and I dried our tears, we let go of each other, as we had ended up holding and hugging each other for bit. I heard a creak come from the kitchen doorway and turned towards it, to find that Dwayne was at the door not wanting to end the sweet moment between Papa and I.

I turn back towards Papa so that I could let him know how there was another lost boy revied from the dead. This is the one person that Papa has missed the most because he was like a father to him. Papa's back was towards Dwayne and I decided to turn him around slowly.

"Papa?" I speak.

"Yes, sweetheart." He replies.

"Someone has missed you and they have come to see you again. Turn around and look behind you." I tell him gently, knowing that this was going to be really emotional.

Papa slowly turns towards that door and sucks in a big breath and whispers "Dwayne".

"Laddie" Dwayne whispers also.

Papa rushes towards Dwayne and hugs him the tightest he can hug. There were tears streaming down both of their faces, more so Papa than Dwayne though. They didn't want to let go, I could hear Paul and Marko slowly make their way towards the kitchen, wondering what is going on in here.

"You have grown up so much Laddie. I can't believe you have a daughter now. Have you had a good life?" Dwayne asks Papa. It is the most I have heard him speak.

"Yes, I have had a good life, my daughter is my world. A lot has happened since then." Papa tells Dwayne.

They hug for a couple more moments before they let go of each other. After they let go of each other, Marko and Paul walk past them and come straight towards me. Paul hugs me, while Marko goes to hold my face in his hands and asks "Are you okay now? We were worried about you."

"I'm all good now thank you." I reply.

Papa steps towards me and puts his hands on my shoulders as soon as Paul and Marko let go of me. He turns us so that we are facing Dwayne.

"I just realized that I need to introduce my daughter to you properly. This is my lovely daughter May Duana Dawe and she is the light of my life. I named her after Paul's Mother and her middle name is a female version of Dwayne." Papa explains to Dwayne.

"You named he after me?" Dwayne asks somewhat emotional.

"Yeah, I did, I wanted to honor you guys because you all were my family." Papa replies.

Papa was still hold me by the shoulders when Dwayne came over and gave the both of us a big hug. Marko and Paul not wanting to be left out, practically jumped on us and joined in the hug. I was finally starting to feel somewhat whole, I didn't feel like some piece of me was missing.

"Now, all that's left is for David to come back." I point out to my ever-growing family. 

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