29. Made it, Now to the Entrance

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After our quick break from the road, we headed off again. We ended up driving for another 5 hours before reaching where we needed to go.

We pulled into a camp ground, with a parking area close by and different trails leading into the bush.

I could tell that the boys were very restless from sitting still for so long, especially Paul. As soon as I stopped the car, Paul was out the door as quick as he could.

Paul ended up jumping around for a bit to release some pent up energy. Marko was a bit slower out the door because he was too busy looking around, taking in the animals and nature.

I took my time getting out of the car because I had to make sure I had everything with me. Marko ended up coming over to help me, more so with the amount of stuff that I brought with us.

I looked around for Paul to see him hanging upside down from a branch off a tree. He was just slightly swinging, he seemed content for the moment.

Once Marko and I got everything out of the car, I locked it and pulled out the map. I looked at the map to see which path we had to take.

Once I found it, we started heading off. I could hear Paul leap from the tree he was on and start running towards us.

"Wait for Meeeeeee!!!!!" Paul yelled.
"Well hurry up Slow poke!" I yelled back trying to hold in a laugh.

He caught up to us but then ran past us. It seems he still has a lot of energy left. Marko and I followed after Paul, and I just had one thought.

'Well, here we go'.


After some time of walking, I ended up holding hands with May. I didn't want to leave her side at all.

I could feel her eyes on my face, but I just continued looking ahead. I knew that if I looked at her, she would be able to tell that I am blushing.

Paul had stopped running ahead and turned around to face us.

"Hey, hey guys! I think we are nearly there!" Paul yelled with excitement.

"Okay Paul, can you run ahead and stop at the entrance please?" May replied back to Paul as he stood there waving his hands in the air with excitement.

"Okily dokily May" Paul yelled back and then he started sprinting down the path to the entrance.

May and I looked at each other and started laughing.


Paul was standing in front of the cave, bouncing on his feet as he waited for Marko and I. We reached the entrance of the cave, and it was covered in vines.

We stopped infront of the cave and took in our surroundings. We felt this warm breeze coming from the cave, it felt inviting.

I looked towards Marko and Paul. I could not make out their expressions, I could tell they were silently communicating with each other though, and no doubt probably communicating with David and Dwayne.

I looked back towards the entrance of the cave and stepped in. As soon as I put one foot in the cave, it felt like I was wrapped in a warm hug.

The next one to step through was Paul. As soon as he stepped in, he had a smile on his face and his eyes were closed.

It was like he was the most relaxed he had ever been. I still felt like I was wrapped in a warm hug. We turned around to look at Marko, seeing as it was his turn next and we were just waiting for him to step through.

Next thing I know, I felt a pulling sensation and everything went black.


Just before I could step through the entrance of the cave. I saw something coming up behind May.

I reached my hand out towards her and go to yell out. "BEHIND YOU MAY!!! LOOK OUT!!!"

Paul whips his head around to look at May and he starts reaching out as well. But we weren't quick enough and she screams as she is pulled deeper into the cave.

Both Paul and I scream out, still reaching for her.

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