28. Halfway There, We Got Sidetracked

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It has been a couple of hours now, since we have started this trip. May had told use that it will take up to 6 hours to get to where we were going. Although she still hasn't told Paul and I where that is.

Paul had somehow got the passenger seat, so i was in the back of the car just listening. Paul was as usual jamming to the music playing on the radio and May was trying to focus on the road but also trying not to laugh at Paul's dancing and singing.

Since I was in the back; I was able to observe the area, we were driving through. I looked out the window and saw many different types of birds. looking at the birds made me remember the ones I used to take care of back when we lived in the cave, before Michael ruined everything.

'I miss those birds' I thought as I sighed.


I heard Marko sigh and looked back to see him looking out the window. Since we have started driving, he has been a bit quiet. I am worried for him.

I know that out of all the brothers, I am the closest with Marko. I think it is due to the fact that I found him first but with how everything has been, I don't think so.

I really want to find answers to why I feel like I have these bonds with the boys but mainly Marko's bond with me. I feel like I should know the answer to what the bond is between me and Marko, but I don't think my mind wants to accept it yet.

I looked over to see that Paul was dancing in his seat and banging his head to the music. 

"Haha, having fun there Paul?" I laughed at him.

He stopped and looked at me. "Yeah! this song is awesome!" He said with a huge smile on his face.

He turned around in his sit so that he could look at Marko. "Hey! Marko!......" He got no response from him.

"Markoooooo!......Hey Markkooooooo!" Paul said in a signing tone.

"Huh, what!" Marko said coming out of the daze he was in looking out the window. He turned towards Paul to see him staring at him with a certain look in his eye.

"You okay, buddy? You are a bit zoned out there. Normally it's me that gets zoned out, not you." Paul said with concern in his voice.

"Oh yeah. I'm all good just got my head in the clouds remembering the past and missing my birds." Marko said with a bit of daze in his voice.

We were driving through one of those tiny towns, when I went to go say something to the boys. When I spotted a pub connected to one of those picnic areas. I turned on the turning signal and started to pull in and parked my car.

The boys were wondering why we stopped because I still hadn't said anything yet. 


For some reason May has pulled into this old building type of place. She still hasn't said anything, so Marko and I just sat there for now. She disappeared into the building and came back out about 20 minutes later carrying food in her hands. 

As she got closer to the car I could smell the food, I looked up at her. "What do you have there May?" I asked.

"Oh, I figured since we had been driving for a while, I get us some food." She told me with a smile on her face.

"It smells good May." Marko says behind me.

"I hope it tastes good too, come on then boys. Time to eat!" May said walking towards a table.

Both Marko and I hoped out of the car and stared following May. I sat down opposite of May and Marko sat next to her. I can tell Marko likes may with how close he sat.

I looked up and saw Marko staring at May with this look in his eye, while she wasn't paying attention and sorting out the food.

'Well good luck Marko!' I thought with a small smile.

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