Chapter 21

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Michael's POV

I woke up and saw Ally next to me. Our hands were touching. I intertwined our hands and she squeezed it. She fluttered her eyes open and she looked up at me. "Good morning Mikey." She said. "Good Morning Ally." I said. She sat up and then her phone buzzed. She picked up her phone and she looked at the text it wasnt long until her eyes filled up with tears. She was sobbing into her pillow. I looked at the text.

You are a stupid worthless slut you do not deserve Michael. You are not good enough. He doesn't love you he never has he never will he is just waiting for you to die then he won't remember your name.~Unknown.

"Ally." I said. I rubbed her back. "How long have these text been coming in." I asked. She sniffled wiped her tears and sat up. "S-since we st-arted d-dating." She trembled. "How come you didn't tell me." I said softly. "I didn't want you to be worried." She said. "Ally I'm your boyfriend I love you I always get worried that you will find someone better than me but you don't because you love me." I said. She smiled.

Ally's POV

"Michael how come you didn't tell me about your brother until that night." I asked. "Well I haven't seen him for over 12 years since that night and I thought he forgot about me and I forgot about him didn't think he was important." He shrugged his shoulders. I moved closer to him and gave him a hug.

A tight one like I was never going to let go. He hugged back tight not loosing grip. We seperated. "Thank you." I said. "What for?" He asked. "For helping me with my problem for being there with me in the hospital for going through my ups and downs when I needed you the most and just for being an amazing boyfriend." I smiled. "I love you so much Michael." I spoke. "I love you too Ally."

"Want to go for a walk." Michael said. I nodded. I brushed my teeth and put my hair up in a high ponytail. I put on a black nirvana shirt. Black jeans and black shoes. We headed downstairs and walked out the door.

We were walking having our normal conversation with our laughs. Then we saw Brittney and Gordon. "Oh hey guys." Brittney spoke. "Hi." We said. "So Michael you're still with this pathetic whore." Brittney spoke. "Are you talking about yourself or... because as far as I know you slept with every guy and had so many affairs and I can't believe your pregnat." I spoke. "Uh I'm not pregnat." She said.

"Oh you're not then why don't you lay off the food for awhile." I said. She scoffed. Gordon stepped in. "Why do you wear so much black are you still depressed." He laughed. "No I'm just ready for your funeral bitch." I said. "You're just jealous because you're not as pretty as me." She spoke.

"Ok first of all I dont dye my hair, I don't have fake boobs unlike you." I sneered. "I dont have a fake tan that makes you an orange and I don't look like a pregnat slut." I said. "Lets go Michael." I said then dragged him away. "What was that?" He asked. "I just had enough of that bitch." I said he laughed. "Now I know not to mess with you." He said. "Damn right." I smiled. He laughed and kissed my forehead. Then we were back home.

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