Chapter 26

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Michael's POV

"Ally you don't have to be afraid of me I love you so much." I say as we sit underneath a tree. "I know I just didn't want you to get mad at me and hurt me." She says. "I will never get mad at you if someone pisses you of let me know I'll handle it." I say joking. She just laughs. "Michael also Michelle told me you had depression how'd that happen?" She asks. "Well when my parents died I had no one I became distant from every one but Luke, Calum, and Ashton never stopped being my friend and I knew it was over when I met you." I smiled. She giggled. Then her phone rang. "Really I'll be right there!" She screamed through her phone.

"Come on my parents are back." She said as she took my hand and ran to her house. We walked in hand in hand. "Mum I missed you!" She screamed as she hugged her mum. "Where's dad?" She asked. "About that when we were in line a shooting occurred and he died protecting a little girl I'm so sorry sweetie." Her mum says in tears. "Dads gone." Ally says. As her mum nods. She ran upstairs and slammed her room door.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." I say to her mum. "Thank you Michael can you go and try to calm Ally down for me please." She says. I nod and go upstairs to her room. I knock quietly. I heard a muffled come in. "Ally." I say quietly. She looks at me with bloodshot eyes. I come and sit next to her. I bring her over to my lap. Her head was nuzzled in the crook of my neck. I felt her tears running down the side of my neck.

"Michael he's gone he was there for me when I needed him and now he's gone." She sniffled. I gently kissed her forehead. "Its going to be okay don't worry it gets better." "I hope so Michael." She says. "Do you want to take a walk." I say. She nods. We walk hand in hand to the park again. "Lets climb the tree." I say. "What if I fall." She says. "I'll catch you." I say. "Okay." She says. She begins climbing as I see her underwear peeking out of her skirt. She sat down on the branch as I sit next to her. "I love your pink underwear." I say as she blushes with embarrassment. "How do you know?" She asked. "You do realize you are wearing a skirt and I'm climbing under you right." I say. "Oh."

Ally was staring off in the distance admiring the view. I got my finger and turned her head towards mine. I instantly connected our lips and she didn't hesitate to kiss back. We separated and smiled at each other. "I love you Michael." She says smiling at me. "I love you too Ally." I smile back. Ally got unbalanced and fell back off the tree and took me down with her. We both groaned in sync. "Thank you for cushioning my fall." She says. "Anytime." I coughed.

"Can I go over to your house I don't feel like going home right now." She says looking at the ground. "Of course babe." I say.

Ally's POV

Michael and I were walking to his house. I just can't go back to my house going in my house reminds me of my dad and I can't handle it now. We walked in and went upstairs. Then we laid in bed. "Michael I just want to thank you for being there for me when I really need it." I say.

He rolls over to me and goes on top of me. "You are very welcome Ally." He says. "Michael stop eating so much pizza you're too heavy." I breathe out. He rolls off of me. "Michael are you going to dye your again." I say. He nods. "Can I pick your next color." I say. "Of course what color do you want me to dye my hair." He says. "I'm thinking red." I say.

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