Chapter 30

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Michael's POV

The guys are here but Ally she is at her house just spending the day with her mom. "Okay where is this song Ally has." Calum says. I go upstairs and get her song journal. I go downstairs flipping through the pages to find the right songs. As I flip through the journal I see a whole bunch of songs. But I need to find the right one 'cause I really like that one.

"Oh here it is." I say. Calum, Ashton, and Luke scan it over. "Okay I like it I think I have an idea of how we can play it.


"That was amazing guys, can we do another song!?" Luke shouts. "I don't know." I say but they are already looking through the journal. "Lets do this one, called Rejects." Ashton says. "But Ally-" "Come on Michael."

Ally's POV

"I hate you Ally you are a worthless daughter I don't want you in my house every again. Here some of your shit!" My mum says throwing my clothes at me. "All I did was say something about dad and you're kicking me out!?" I say tears in my eyes. "You have no respect for your dad never set foot in this house again!" She yells and slams the door.

I sit on the curb crying. I have no home I need my mum I need her she's all I have left. I look back and see my mum looking out the window she shakes her head and shuts the curtain.

Michael's POV

We have done at least 6 songs. "Hey I have to go my mum wants me home." Ashton says. "Yeah me too." Calum and Luke say at the same time. They laugh at the same time and high-fived each other and make there way out of the garage.

I go to the couch and sit down waiting for Ally to come back. 10 minutes passed and I began to get worried. I called her but she left her phone here. I got in my car and drove to her house. I got there and see a person on the curb but then I realize it's Ally. "Ally." I say. She looks up with blood shot eyes. "M-michael." She says. I run to her. "Ally what happened?" I ask. "M-my mu-m she, she ki-cked me out." She cries.

I take her stuff put it in my trunk and I pick her up and place her in the passenger seat. I drive back to my house. She stumbles out of the car while I take her stuff and place it inside. I sit on the couch and so does she. "Tell me what happened?" I say. "Ok so me and my m-mum were having a n-nice di-dinner but I said something about my fa-ther and she kicked m-me out, now I-I have n-no one." She explains.

"Don't worry Ally you can stay here." I say. "I can't do that you'll get annoyed with me staying here I can't be a burden." Ally says. "Ally you do realize I have no one else here it gets lonely so it would be nice to have some company." I say wiping Ally's tears from her cheeks. "Thank you." She says. "Anything for you." I say kissing her lips. "I love you Michael." She says. "I love you too Ally." I smile. "I dont know what I would do with out you. Thank you." She smiles. "You're very welcome." I smile back.

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