Chapter 25

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Ally's POV

I woke up and I looked besides me and saw a sleeping Michael I stretched and went downstairs. I went to the stove and turned it on and I got some bacon strips and placed them on the pan. I got a separate pan and cracked some eggs on it as I was waiting I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. "Smells good." Michael said in a raspy tone.

"I thought you liked it." I smiled and pecked him on the lips. I grabbed a plate and served eggs and bacon for him. He grabbed the plate and sat down and starting eating. I did the same but sit across from him. "Michael when I first moved here Michelle told me you had a bad reputation and had a bad past." I paused. "Let me guess you want to know what I did." He said. "Well we have been dating for a long time but yeah I would like to know but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said.

"I guess it's time I tell you lets sit on the couch." He said and I followed him. "Ok so I got into lots of fights then one day I got in a fight with some guys and it went to far and I killed him but I did that a lot I got put in jail for a couple years then I got out and that's when I met you." "When you got in fights did it hurt?" "Well yeah but I got used to it." He told me. "Were people scared of you?" I asked. Lots of people but there are a few people you aren't scared of me like Calum, Ashton, Luke, Michelle, and you." He said. "You aren't afraid of me right." He said. "No I'm not." But deep down I was kinda scared like what if he gets mad at me.

I went back to the kitchen and cleaned up the dishes. I went back in the living room and saw Michael watching tv. I sat kinda far from him but close enough not for him to notice. After the show was over we decided to go to the park. I went upstairs and got dressed. Did my hair brushed my teeth and put my shoes on and waited for Michael downstairs. Once he was done we went outside. The park was across from us so it wasn't that long. "Race you to the park!" I screamed at Michael. Then ran.

I went to the swings and started swinging. Here comes Michael out of breath. "You have to stop eating pizzas." "But pizza is so good." I rolled my eyes at him. "Ally you have been very distance from me since this morning." Michael says. "What no I haven't." I lie. I stopped the swings and stop and so does he. "Yes you haven't ever since I...... told you what happened in my past." He says.

"Are you scared of me?" He asked. He stepped forward "Are you!?" He yelled. "N-no I'm not." I stutter. "You are aren't you." He says. He come closer and touches me and I flinch at his touch. "I knew it you are scared of me." He yells. "Ok I admit I'm a little scared of you but I'm just scared because what if you get mad at me and hurt me." I say. "You know I will never hurt you that's just the past I have changed you changed me." He smiled. "I know I'm sorry I love you Michael." I said. "I love you too."

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