Chapter 7

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*2 weeks later*

Ally's POV

After two weeks I finally can walk without crutches. I got up did all my stuff for school and went to school. Michael was waiting for me outside of school. We walked in hand-in-hand. The whispers started. "Hey Ally." Michelle said. "Hi Michelle." I said. "Oh so you guys are official." She said, noticing we were holding hands. "Yep." We smiled at each other. "Hey baby." Ryan said to me. "Hi Ryan." I mumbled.

"Go away." Michael said. "One day you will be mine and you will leave this loser." Ryan said. "Never in a million years." I said. He scoffed. "Come guys lets get to class." Michelle said. We went to math. During the lesson. Ryan came barging in. "There's a shooting outside." He said.

"Ok no need to panic you know what to do. Everyone get under you tables." The teacher said. "Ryan get under here." The teacher said. "No." Ryan said and he pulled out a gun. Everyone gasped. "Ok Ryan just put down the gun." The teacher said. He didn't listen. "What do you want!" Someone yelled. "What do I want. Well what do you think I want!" He yelled. "I want Ally." He said. My eyes went wide. Michael's arm tensed around mine.

"Ally come on out." He grabbed the teacher. "If you dont I shoot him." He said holding the gun to the teachers head. "Ally you can't go." Michael whispered. "I have to I dont want anybody getting hurt." I said. I got up and looked back at Michael he was starting to cry.

I walked up to him. He smirked. He took my wrist dragging me to the door. Then Michelle tackled him down. Which caused his gun to hit me in my face. I fell over along with Ryan. His gun flew across the room. The teacher called 911. Soon enough they came. Michael ran up to me and hugged me. I went up to Michelle and gave her a hug. "Thanks Michelle." "No problem." She smiled.

The paramedics came and they cleaned up my cut up. Michael was holding my hand the entire time. "There. You're good to go." He said. "Thanks." I smiled. "Ally are you okay?" Michael asked. "Yeah. Probably going to be a bruise." I say. "Yeah, I can see one coming in." He said touching it. I winced in pain. "I'm sorry." He said. "It's okay." I said.

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