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Jennie; The next day:

Jimin rocks up a few minutes after Jungkook leaves. Strolling into the kitchen with his hands in his pockets, whistling to himself.

I can also smell the whisky on him from here. Sitting at the breakfast bar with my laptop in front of me, I try to form a plan to take out Marco Fiore. Jungkook left me a file this morning at least. Like homework. Great.

(Her outfit ^)

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(Her outfit ^)

"Apparently, you and I have a hot date." Jimin winks, hopping up on a stool across from me.

"So you're babysitting me." I say without sparing him a glance.

He laughs, tilting his head to the side as he does. "Well, babysitting implies that you need supervision. I'd go more with watch duty."

I sigh. "Fine. Then you can be of use. I need you to tell me everything you know about Silk."

His eyebrows pinch together. "Marco's place?"


He shakes his head. "It's a strip joint. He's there every Friday and Saturday."

Today's Wednesday.


"No, no, no." He shakes his head again and braces his elbows on the breakfast island as he leans forward. "You won't get him there."


So, Jimin is well aware of exactly why I'm here.

I smirk. "You do know who I am?"

He stares blankly back at me.

"I can get to anyone, anywhere." I say.

He shrugs and leans back in his chair.

Returning my focus to my laptop screen, I study the street view outside Silk. "What about his strippers?"

"They're tight. Mostly Italian girls. It's not impossible but you might fail."

"Which fucks me for another route." I interrupt. I see him nod in my peripheral.

"Security?" I ask.

He takes a cigarette packet from the inside pocket of his suit jacket. "Marco's a shady fucker. Keeps armed guys with him at all times." He takes a cigarette out and presses it between his lips as a raspy laugh works its way up his throat. "Mind you, I'd be shady if I'd made an enemy of Jungkook." He mumbles as he holds the lighter up, cupping the flame.

"So he did do something to piss Jungkook off." I can't help but probe, even though every professional facet of me is screaming not to.

Jimin exhales a long stream of smoke, a small smile touching his lips. When his eyes meet mine, I know that he knows I'm pushing. He knows that I have no idea why I'm hunting Marco.

Kill Me Or Kiss Me? (JenKook)Where stories live. Discover now