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"Stay in the car." I say, throwing the door open. She gets out and I glare at her over the roof of the car.

"Was I speaking a foreign language?" I ask.

She raises a brow at me and slams her door. "I didn't leave your apartment to sit in your car."

"I didn't bring you with me for a day trip. I brought you because Jimin is busy-"

"Ah, yes, driving Zeus to his appointment with a tree to take a piss on."

"-and you can't be trusted on your own."

"So now I'm the untrustworthy one? As I recall, I came of my own free will."

"Fucking women, you're all the same, don't listen to shit." I grumble, stepping out of the car and turning my back, heading towards the stairwell.

"Careful, capo. I'm the one who brought the gun, remember?" She falls in step beside me, and low and behold, she has her fucking gun strapped to her thigh.

"This is a government building."

"So, take the service entrance."

Stopping, I grab her arm, turning her to face me. She tenses and I smirk. I've learned with her, that it's the casual touches that make her uncomfortable. Grab her by her throat or grip her arm hard enough to break it and she's fine. Finger fuck her and it's tentative, but it seems pleasure can tamper her bloodlust.

"This is not a fucking tactical assault. I told you, it's not a gun affair. It's a meeting." I say slowly.

She sighs. "I thought that was like mafia code for kill someone." She raises both eyebrows as though
this should be obvious.

"What? No." I shake my head. "Jesus. Look, lose the gun or wait in the fucking car."

She rolls her eyes and unbuckles the holster from around her thigh, dropping to a crouch and sliding it across the parking garage floor until it comes to a halt beneath the car fifty yards away. "Happy?" She scowls.

I eye the cuff at her wrist.

"Don't even think about it." She says as she struts past me, hips swaying in a way that I don't think she's even aware of. Damn, her ass looks good in that dress.

I have a meeting arranged with Gerard Brown, otherwise known as the current Port Authority Chief. Of course, he doesn't realise it's me he's meeting with, simply the director of Horizon Logistics, an import and export company, a legitimate company that, as it happens, I own.

His secretary shows us to his office, eyeing Jennie the entire time. I don't blame her. Nothing about Jennie fits into normal society unless she's forced to. Give her a job, tell her she has to play the fucking mayor's wife and she'll pull that shit off no problem, but in her natural state, people become wary of her. It's the same way an antelope can sense the presence of a lion without even seeing it. Their instincts tell them she's dangerous and yet they trust what their eyes tell them, that she's just a tiny, pretty little woman. They should really listen to their instincts more.

Gerard Brown is a middle-aged guy with a beer gut, an ill-fitting suit and a moustache that looks like he stole it from the set of a seventies porn film. That said, this is the man that controls all of the docks in New York City. Nothing comes in or out without his say-so, and it just so happens that Finnegan O'Hara has his say-so. Whether he knows about the nature of O'Hara's dealings, it's impossible to say. But in my experience, you don't manage to get that much drugs and guns into the country via one of the biggest cities without a little help.

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