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I move through the apartment, careful not to make any noise. I'm pretty sure I'm going to encounter some of Jungkook's men at some point, but I'm ready for that. I can't let them dart me again. Jungkook will literally chain me in a basement somewhere and never let me out.

I slink through the living room and pause when I hear a loud click. Freezing, I slowly shift my gaze to the couch.

The bright red end of a cigarette glows in the darkness and I can just make out Rafael's features. I reach for the gun from my waist, wrapping my fingers around it slowly.

If he tries to stop me...

"You are going to him." He says, his voice low and deep.

"Do not try and stop me. I do what I must."

He leans forward, allowing the cigarette to hang loosely from his fingers as he props his elbows on his thighs. "You will sacrifice yourself for her?"


"And your child? You will sacrifice your child for her?"

I clench my teeth. "I thought you...felt something for her."

He sighs and pushes to his feet, moving toward me. I can just make out his coal black eyes in the dim light. "Yes, but Soojin would never wish you to sacrifice an innocent child, Angel."

"I have a plan."

He takes another slow drag of his cigarette. "Ah, you and Jungkook and your plans."

"This one...it doesn't involve Jungkook."

He's silent for a moment.

"How do you know he will release Soojin?"

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "I don't." I feel like I'm free-falling, trapped in a hopeless situation. But Jungkook always says life is just a giant chess game. All I have to do is position key players.

"I need you to do me a favor." I say. He nods. "If he doesn't release Soojin, bargain for her return. Once he has me, he doesn't need her. Let him put her to good use elsewhere."

"Bargain what?"

I stare at him for a second. "You have access to a port."


"Offer him the use of it. Getting arms over the southern border is the easiest access point into America, but the cartels won't allow the Russians any foothold."

He frowns, saying nothing as he takes a long drag of his cigarette. "That would cause problems."

I glance towards the top of the stairs. I don't know how long that tranquilizer will work for. I'm guessing he went on the lighter side of the dosage for my body weight. Jungkook weighs more than twice what I do.

"Look, it won't be for long. Anyway, Nicholai is not one to break his word. I think he'll let her go."

He shakes his head. "You are his favored pet, Angel. And you have proven unruly. He has the means to control you, do not think that he will give that up easily." I nod. "Go. I did not see you."

"Thank you."

"And Jennie..."


His eyes drop to my stomach, a pained expression crossing his face. "Be safe."

I turn away from him and head for the elevator, palming both my guns as I descend into the parking garage. When the doors glide open, I expect to find half an army down here, but there's only two guys in suits. Both have cigarettes in hand and are staring at me blankly as though they just received a surprise guest.

Kill Me Or Kiss Me? (JenKook)Where stories live. Discover now