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That's all I've done for the last three days.

I've barely seen Jennie because she's been calling on her contacts in Russia while I've been calling on everyone, anyone who might help our cause.

The simple fact is, Nicholai Ivanov is coming for us and we have two choices: hand Jennie over or fight.
The first isn't an option, which leaves us gearing for a war with a man who has his own personal army and more money, weapons, and influence than God. Not to mention he's fucking insane and obsessed with Jennie.

Of all the women in the world, I had to want her.

I swipe my hand down my face and look at the blueprints Yoongi has placed in front of me. I'm sitting on one of the sofas in the penthouse office and he's sat across from me.

Jungkook's outfit ^

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Jungkook's outfit ^

Jennie is pacing backwards and forwards, cracking her neck as though she's about to go on a rampage.

Her outfit ^

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Her outfit ^

Yoongi flashes me a nervous glance and I smirk. She's decided she hates him, and he's now the target of her rage, of which there's plenty.

"So the only way in is via the vehicle bay?" He points at the blue print. Turns out Igor was useful. His people managed to give us accurate plans of Nicholai's military base, not that I think it will do us much good. The only plan we have is to go at him head on.

Jennie sighs and turns to face us, bending over the coffee table and bracing her palm against the wood. "The base is guarded well. This is the only road in." She says, stabbing the paper with her finger. "It's exposed, with only a tree line on one side. They can see you coming from miles away. There's a guard tower with a .50 Cal machine gun and armoire piercing bullets, as well as RPGs. Any unauthorized vehicles are taken out." She says, raising an eyebrow.

Yoongi looks at me, his brows pulled tightly together.

"If you get past that gate, you are left with an impregnable, nuclear blast-proof bunker." She continues. "And yes, it has only one entrance, and that is the vehicle bay which is heavily guarded by Elite. I could take you right now while I'm carting around a football, Yoongi. You don't stand a chance against one of them, and you are proposing walking into their fucking base, where they live and train, where they will be armed to the hilt." She turns away and resumes pacing, dragging both hands through her hair.

Kill Me Or Kiss Me? (JenKook)Where stories live. Discover now