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I drum my fingers over the steering wheel anxiously, glancing at the clock on the dashboard.

His outfit ^

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His outfit ^

Yoongi sighs and slumps down in his seat as he fiddles with the buttons for the air conditioning.

The sun glares off the hood of the car and I squint into the rear-view mirror at the car parked behind me. On cue, I watch as a cloud of dust kicks up from the road that cuts through the valley below us. I pick up the binoculars and watch the convey of black Range Rovers wind along the empty desert road, their tinted windows hiding their occupants.

They pull over to the shoudler and all the doors open, soldiers clad in black climbing out and arming themselves. I spot Sasha and Jennie standing at the head of what must be twenty Elite.

"Fuck, that's a lot of Elite." I murmur, a feeling of unease creeping through me. It's too many.

Jennie and Sahsa are good and they have the help of Rafael's men, but Twenty highly trained Elite?

They're not invincible.

"How many?" Yoongi asks.

"Maybe twenty."

"I'll go and tell Rafael." The door opens and hot, dusty air fills the cabin before the door slams again.

I smirk when the back door of the second Range Rover opens and Nicholai Ivanov steps out in his suit. Jennie said he would come, but I didn't believe it. He's known for his sharp intellect and his strategic skill, but this -coming here- surely he's not that arrogant? He's completely exposed, ripe for the picking. Even with his Elite...this is cartel country.

And, of course, he couldn't possibly predict what Sasha and Jennie are about to do to his precious Elite, or maybe he could have, if he weren't so obsessed with Jennie and the idea of having her child.

It's exactly as she said; he's blinded by her.

He'll never even see her coming.

The band of Elite disperse, heading up the hillside and leaving Nicholai alone with only two Elite to protect him.


So very stupid.

The door opens and Yoongi gets back in.

"He's here. Only two guards with him." I say.

His eyes narrow and his lips press into a line. "This seems too easy."

I nod. "I'm not sure whether it's a trap, or he really is that sure of his force."

Yoongi sighs heavily. "It seems to go against his nature, but then he did come deep into Rafael's territory once before to get Soojin."

I tap my finger over the wheel. This is too good of an opportunity. Sasha would have warned us if they had brought more force. Jennie might be kept in the dark, but not Sasha.

"Lets go." I glance in the rear-view mirror again, meeting Rafael's hard gaze as he sits behind the wheel of the other car.

Soojin sits beside him in the passenger seat despite me telling him that Jennie wouldn't like it. Apparently, he thinks Soojin's safest where he can keep an eye on her. If only Jennie were so easy to control.

I start the engine and pull away, sending the Hummer down the steep hillside, kicking up dust and rubble in its wake. I give it to Rafael, he has all the fucking kit. Armour plated Hummers with mounted .50 Cal gun's attached to the roof. One of his men is hanging out the sunroof, ready to open fire on the Russian and his beloved soldiers. He has instructions not to kill Nicholai though.

Jennie deserves that honor.

As soon as we're on flat ground, we're flooring it towards the parked Range Rovers. The two soldiers move in front of Nicholai, firing bullets at the car. Shots ping off the hood and I slam my foot over the accelerator. When they realize that their bullets aren't doing shit, they run for the car, ushering Nicholai inside.

Yoongi reaches back and taps the knee of the guy with the big fucking gun. He opens fire, the bullets leaving golf-ball-sized holes in the body work of one of the parked Ranger Rovers.

"Damn, I need one of these cars." I say on a grin.

"Might be a bit conspicuous in New York." Yoongi shouts over the deafening bang, bang, bang of gunfire.

The Range Rover screeches away, heading into the desert, and I follow. Rafael pulls up beside me. Bullets spray the back of the Range Rover, shattering the glass and tearing holes through the body work until one tire explodes. The car veers violently to the side, fishtailing before skidding sideways and tipping. It rolls over several times before coming to a stop on its wheels again.

I palm my .40 Cal and throw my door open. Yoongi and Rafael fall in beside me.

I lift my gun, shooting the Elite who is slumped against the steering wheel clutching his head. The other one looks dead. Rafael goes to the back door, bracing his hand over the door handle as he watches me. I line up, lifting my gun before I nod at him. He wrenches the door open and Nicholai falls out of the car.

For a moment, I'm sure he's dead, but then he groans and attempts to crawl across the floor.

I have no sympathy for this piece of shit. If it were up to me, I'd tie him to the tow bar and fucking drag him back to that compound for Jennie to slaughter, but he might die on the way and she needs to be the one to end him.

He has taken more from her than anyone.

I kick him in the gut hard enough that he lands on his back, gasping for air. He holds his hand up, shielding his eyes from the sun as he tries to look at me. His suit is covered in dust and blood trickles from his nose, pouring down his chin.

"Nicholai Ivanov," I say with a twisted grin, leaning down and yanking him to his feet. He sways and Yoongi grabs his arm, holding him up. "How the mighty have fallen."

"Jeon Jungkook." He says and then laughs. "You reach too far. You will not make it out of the country alive."

"Who's going to stop me?" I raise my eyebrows and then cup my ear, tilting my head. "I don't hear anything." I smirk. "Oh, wait. That's because no one is coming. You are all out of allies, Nicholai."

His teeth clench. "I need no allies. I have an army. My Elite will end you, and your child will be mine."

My fingers flinch, wanting to grab my gun. Instead I punch him in the gut hard enough that a breath wheezes past his lips. Yoongi holds him up and I step close to him, cupping the back of his neck and bringing my lips to his ear. "Your Elite are dying as we speak. Killed by your own. your best." I say quietly. "You did make Jennie quite formidable." I step back and his cold, blue eyes flash angrily.

He audibly grinds his teeth. "I made her strong. I made her the best."

"You fucking broke her." My temper spiking. I grab the front of his jacket, lifting him onto his tiptoes. "But you're right, Nicholai. You made her strong." I search that soulless gaze. "Strong enough to put an end to you."

He huffs a laugh. "Jennie is mine. She will always be what I made her." A sick grin spreads across his lips.

"That's where you're wrong. Jennie is mine. Her baby is mine." I shove him away from me, and he staggers back "You're about to see what happens when you try and take what's fucking mine." I give Yoongi a look and he drags him towards the car before I break my word and fucking kill him.

Yoongi shoves him inside next to our gunman who is now sitting on the back seat, pointing a pistol at him.

Rafael comes to stand beside me. "I can't wait to see this." He says on a smile.

My vicious little butterfly will finally get her revenge.

Kill Me Or Kiss Me? (JenKook)Where stories live. Discover now