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You could cut the tension in the room with a knife.

Rolling my eyes, I walk over to Jicheol, placing myself in front of him. "I don't believe we've met." I hold out my hand, but he just stares at me, his eyes slowly drifting over my body in the form fitting dress.

His eyebrows inch up and he glances at Jungkook, his lips pressing into a tight line. "I tell you to do your duty and you present me with this?"

"If it's any consolation, this happened before you decided to claim your son." I say. I know I'm poking a bear with a big stick, but seriously? "Oh and uh, I'm not Elite anymore. Although...I don't recall that being a problem when you needed my services."

His eye twitches slightly, but other than that his expression doesn't change. He's good.

I smirk and move away from him.

Jungkook fixes me with a cool look. "I told you, Jennie isn't going anywhere."

I move to his side. His hands are thrust casually in his pockets, and I loop my arm through his, staring Jicheol down. I know I'm intimidating, and Jungkook's terrifying at the best of times. Together we're formidable, even to someone as well versed in power as Jicheol. I know it, and so does Jungkook.

"What you did not say is that she is with child." Jicheol says.

I lift an eyebrow. "Surprise?"

He glares at me. "Well done, Jungkook. You've managed to create an illegitimate bastard with a Russian whore."

I hear the low hiss of breath from Jungkook and feel every muscle in his body tense.

Releasing him, I step back. "That's a touchy subject." I say, trying to hide my delight because I know Jungkook's about three seconds from nuclear, and well...I like fireworks and blood.

"You will marry an Italian woman and do your duty. I have allowed this to go on long enough." Jicheol sneers. "This organization is built on years of tradition, and you shit on it."

Jungkook  remains strangely calm, seemingly reining in his temper while I wrestle my own anger simmering just below the surface. My fingers twitch with the urge to reach for the blade strapped to the inside of my thigh. I move away from Jungkook and circle Jicheol, my eyes assessing him like an enemy, spotting every weakness he has. The way he carries himself suggests that he's had an injury to his right leg. Old, because he's compensated for it. If I were to attack him he'd have less range of movement on his right side because of it.

I glance at Jungkook and he offers me the smallest shake of his head.

"He shits on it?" I tap my index finger over my bottom lip and Jicheol twists his head to look at me.

"You know nothing of our ways. You have no honor, no mercy."

Jungkook sighs. "She's Russian, she kills people. Yes, yes, I'm aware. Now, you are going to accept her as the mother of my child, publically, to the family."

Jicheol laughs, clutching at his stomach before he coughs loudly. "A Russian, with my son. I'd sooner disown you." He snarls. "I will never acknowledge that." He stabs a finger in my direction. "And neither will the men. She killed your brothers and you fuck her like she's made of gold. If you marry her, you will lose everything, Jungkook. Consider that carefully."

Jungkook's body tenses and his fists clench tightly. This time it's me shaking my head at him. He can't bite. We must always be in control of the old man, maintain the upper hand.

"See, this is where we're a little unclear." I take a seat on one of the couches and slowly cross one leg over the other. "Those traditions you were talking about, that honor.." I trail off, smiling slightly. "Do your remaining men know that you orchestrated a hit on your own guys just to get your son in power?" I pretend to inspect my nails. "Do they know that you sanctioned the death of Jungkook's own brother?"

Kill Me Or Kiss Me? (JenKook)Where stories live. Discover now