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Oh, my god. My head.

I hiss as I blink my eyes open.

My mind is foggy and disjointed. I panic, trying to pull my fragmented memories together.

Jungkook shot me. I swipe my hand over my chest, trying to feel for a bullet whole, a bandage. Nothing. There's nothing there. I sit up and the room spins in a whirl of colors.

"Careful." Jungkook's voice comes from somewhere in the room.

I squeeze my eyes shut and grip the back of the couch, waiting for my surroundings to calm and still. "You shot me." I accuse.

"You ran." He replies.

My head is throbbing and I reach up, touching my fingers to a dressing at my hairline. I drop my head into my hands and groan. "Why can't you understand this, Jungkook?"

"I understand. But I don't agree."

"So, you're going to imprison me here until I have no choice? You want me to have this baby, and then what? Just keep it here, next in line to the mafia throne?" I snort. "If it makes it that long, of course. We both know you and I have more enemies than fucking North Korea."

"I'Il protect you both."

I laugh bitterly and turn my gaze on him. He's sitting with his thighs spread, his elbows braced on them. Dark eyes meet mine, determined, and I know I'll never sway him.

"This is the most selfish thing you will ever do, Jeon."

His eyes darken, his expression becoming volatile before he explodes off the couch and walks towards me. He leans over, grabbing my jaw in his hand and pulling me closer to him. "Do not fucking push me right now, Jennie." He says through clenched teeth.

"You don't like the truth, Jungkook, but this is not one of your power games. This is not a job. This is a child." My child. Our child.

I can feel his hand shaking. "It is not a kindness to take a child from its parents, to leave it, never really knowing who they are. What would you have given to stay with your parents, jugeum?" He spits the words venomously.

I tear my face away from him and he straightens, turning his back on me. I've hit a nerve, but so has he.

"My parents were good people!" I shout at his back. "And they died. How many families do you think we've torn apart between us, Jungkook? How many children have we deprived of parents? We are the monsters in this story. We don't get happily ever afters."

He turns to face me. "Even monsters breed, my love." He says mockingly, his eyes glinting with that feral edge.

"I won't let you do this just to fulfil your male ego."

"And I won't let you leave just because a kid doesn't fit into your plan." He says.

I grind my teeth together and tighten my fists.

"If you want to leave after it's born, I won't stop you." He says, the muscles in his jaw flutter beneath his skin.


Would I leave?

If this were my only option...if him keeping this baby were the only option, then perhaps I would.

Nicholai can never know that I had a child, because he will never stop wanting it. So you see, my options are limited. How did something that was supposed to be simple become so complicated?

The best-case scenario is the baby to be completely free of us, but if there were a second option, Jungkook has enemies, but he can protect himself. My enemies are infinitely more powerful.

Kill Me Or Kiss Me? (JenKook)Where stories live. Discover now