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I pull up to the old shipping warehouse on the outskirts of the Bronx. The place is rough as fuck, and I have to leave constant security to guard it, but it's the deal I have with NYPD. I pay them off and, in return, I have to keep the shady shit to the rundown areas of the city.

They effectively turn a blind eye, but think of it as the lesser of two evils. The mafia keep their noses clean, have their shit together, and rule with an iron fist.

Dodgy blow, street gangs, guns and violence...we keep that shit off our streets, which means the police don't have to. It's a simple fact that if you were to eliminate the mafias and the cartels, anarchy would ensue. That's the corrupt world we live in, the reality of the modern justice system.

I'm all too happy to play judge, jury, and executioner.

I pull up to a massive roller door and it slowly lifts, exposing the dingy, dark warehouse beyond. I drive inside, and as my eyes adjust to the light, I see Yoongi leaning against the hood of his Aston Martin, arms folded across his chest as he watches the scene before him. Two guys stand there, fierce scowls on their faces. Namjoon stands behind them, a gun in each hand pointed at their backs. The rest of Namjoon's team are spread out around the empty warehouse, guns in hand.

I get out of the car and go to the trunk, grabbing a metal baseball bat. I close the trunk and throw the bat to Jennie who snatches it out of the air as she closes the door with her hip.

Yoongi's eyes narrow when we approach him and Jennie takes seat on the hood right next to him. "Nice car." She says.

"Nice bat." He replies.

She twirls the bat easily. "Thanks. It's a little more...bludgeon-y than I'm used to."

Shaking my head, I walk over to the two guys, pausing in front of them. I take my cigarettes from my inside pocket and place one between my lips, slowly lifting the lighter to the end. Silence descends through the warehouse and I love it, that pause, as if everyone in the room is holding their breath. I snap the lighter shut and inhale a long draw, holding the smoke deep in my lungs as I tip my head back.

"He's such a drama queen." Jennie says under her breath and I release the smoke into the air, twisting my neck towards her.

A wry smile pulls at the corner of her lips and she lifts one eyebrow, daring me, challenging.

She just loves to fucking push me.

Forcing myself to turn away from her, I focus on the two Albanians. "Do you know who I am?" I say to them. One of them is an older guy, ugly as all fuck with a nasty scar across his throat. Apparently this one had a brush with death. The other is younger. Both are wearing track suits and have heavy gold chains hanging around their necks. God, it's like something out of a bad seventies crime film.

"J-Jeon," The young one stammers. His friend scowls at him.

I nod at Namjoon and he grabs both men by their shoulders, kicking them to their knees. The young one whimpers. His entire body shaking as he stares at the ground.

"Yes, I am Jeon Jungkook." I drop to a crouch, resting one arm casually over my thigh as I inhale on my cigarette. I toss it towards the young one and he flinches, making me smile. "And you know what that means, boys?" They both look at me blankly. "That means you're in serious shit." I stand up again. walking away from them. My eyes lock with Jennie's. "Where did you get the drugs you sold in Poison last night?" I ask.


Sighing I turn back to them, cupping my ear. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear an answer."

The younger guy opens his mouth. "We...I.." His friend barks something in Albanian and I throw my head back on a groan.

Kill Me Or Kiss Me? (JenKook)Where stories live. Discover now