Cleaning Up The Mess

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"Have a safe trip!" I called out to Nancy and Mike as they drove away. 

"Thanks again for having us over. I had a lot of fun." Steve hugged me as he was walking out. He gave me a look that I couldn't read. As if he was worried about me for some reason, but I didn't know why. 

"I'm glad. I'll start planning the next party." I joked. Steve smiled back at me before driving off with the rest of everyone who spent the night. Juliet squeezed herself in as well, trying to catch a ride to the arcade. 

After they drove away and I could no longer see them, I shut the door and walked upstairs to my bedroom. I could hear shuffling around as I made my way inside of my room, only to find Eddie shoving his feet into his shoes. 

"Where are you going?" I must have spooked him, because his whole body jumped after hearing my voice. Eddie stood up and faced me. I suddenly felt queasy from all of the dry blood and bruising on his face. 

"Home." Eddie whispered as he faced the floor. He walked around my bed then tried to pass me, but I reached over and grabbed his arm. 

"Why are you leaving?" I questioned him again. 

"I shouldn't be here." He was still using a hushed tone. I furrowed my eyebrows at the way he was acting towards me, having no idea why he would be the cold one when I should be. 


"Stop with the twenty questions." Eddie pulled his arm away from me and left my room. I turned on my heel and chased after him as he walked down the stairs. 

"Eddie, stop." I commanded him. He didn't listen. Instead, he kept walking to the front door. "I said stop." I tried reaching out to him again, but he swung his arm out of reach. 

Eddie twisted the door knob and opened up the door, but it slammed closed before he could leave. Without even seeing his face, I could tell he was confused. He tried one more time, only to have the same result. Eddie then turned around to face me. 

"You're not leaving." I told him as I wiped my nose. Eddie looked at me in shock as he started to realize that it was me who kept shutting the door. 

"(Y/N), how are you doing that?" He asked slowly. 

"We should talk."


"How come you never told me any of that before?" Eddie looked hurt as I finished cleaning up his face. 

"Because I didn't want to worry you. Plus, we've been having trouble lately, so I just never had the time." I looked down as I moved my attention towards his knuckles. Eddie hissed at the pain from the rubbing alcohol and tried to rip his hand away from mine, but I held his hand tight in its place. "Sorry."

"I'm so sorry I haven't been there for you." Eddie took his hand away from mine and used it to grab my chin, making me look up into his eyes. "I've been stupid and childish. I not only let Gareth get into my head, but I made myself believe that you were better off without me. I started to believe that I could live a normal life without you and that you didn't need me." Eddie sighed and brought his hand back down to his side. "I don't know. Maybe it is true."

"Eddie, you don't believe that, do you?" His eyes shifted back and forth between mine as I waited for his answer. "Eddie."

"No." It was as if he let go of a breath he had been holding onto for a while. I watched as he ran a hand through his messy curls, leaning back into his chair. 

"Listen to me." I grabbed both of his hands gently into mine. "No more of this. No more pushing each other away. We need to communicate better. Also, no more breaking promises." I added in the last part at the last second. Eddie's shoulders fell after hearing my words. 

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