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"WHAT THE FUCK-" Minho slammed the door before entering in the dorm seeing a semi-naked man in the middle of the hall. Therein stood a man wearing nothing but a boxer who was as flabbergasted as Minho was. He was not expecting anyone at such an early hour of the weekend. He calmed himself and put on a tank top before opening the doors of the dorm.

At the door, he met another man who was a complete stranger for the former.

"Hi, how may I help you?"

"Um- Hey, I am the new trainee, Lee Minho."

"Oh! Hello buddy. I am Do Minjoon. I am also a trainee here. Come in!" Minjoon said while making way for Minho to enter the dorm.

Once Minho entered inside the dorm, He scanned the place having the exact feeling you have when you enter some other class in your school. The hall was small with a sea green coloured sofa set in the middle of the hall. In front of the sofa was small brown table. At a small distance in front of the said table, another table was kept upon which an old television set was placed. In the opposite direction of the sofa was an attached open kitchen with all necessary basic equipments. It had a small refrigerator with a few pictures attached on its door probably that of other trainees. Next to the kitchen, there was a big room which probably was the bed room. Another door could be seen adjacent to the door of the bed room which Minho assumed as the washroom.

Minjoon ushered Minho to their bedroom. There were three bunk beds with two on the very right side of the room while one was on the left side of the room just next to the cupboard. He saw all the bunk beds were occupied except two spots on the right side of the room, both of them being on the upper side of the bed.

"You can unpack first. The uppermost shelf of the cupboard has already been emptied out for you. I'll come back after showering". Minjoon smiled at Minho. Minho took his belongings near the cupboard and started unpacking. He was done with half an hour partly because he didn't have much stuff to begin with and partly because Minjoon helped him after showering.


"Damn! You are older than all of us" A boy exclaimed earning a smack from the youngest of the group, Kim Jaehyun.

"Yaahh!! Come here you little shit. You need some smacking. This child's getting out of control these days" Boo Taeyang, the second youngest of the group said while pulling Jaehyun in a headlock.

His hold loosened when Jaehyun started ticking him. Taeyang's entire body was ticklish. He would jump the moment anyone touched his waist. In contrast to Taeyang, Jaehyun's sensory fibres to feel tickles were non- existing making Taeyang unable to get revenge.

"Come on Tae Hyung, Don't be mean to Minho Hyung." Jaehyun said after getting out of grip of Taeyang.

"It's okay. I don't mind. Besides, that is the truth." Minho chuckled seeing the younger ones bickering.

"Sehyun-ah, You haven't introduced yourself yet. Come on, say hi to Minho." Minjoon said to a guy lying on the other side of the room.

"Choi Sehyun. 20 years old." Sehyun said while still laying on his bed with his eyes still stuck on his phone screen and voice void of any emotion.

"Um- he feels awkward talking to new people. He'll open up with time. Please excuse him" Minjoon smiled apologetically because of Sehyun's behaviour. Before Minho could say anything, his phone rang.

Jisungie Hyung ❤️

He excused himself to attend the call

*On call*


"Hi Hyung"

"Did you reach?"

"Yes Hyung. I did. I was just chatting with my roommates"


Oh shit! I'm sorry for disturbing then!"

"Nah! That's totally fine. It was nothing important"

"Oh! By the way I'm really sorry. The meeting was really important otherwise I would have definitely dropped you."

"Come on Hyung! Stop apologizing. I told you it was okay. I can manage. You have already done a lot for me."

"Fine! I'll stop. So tell me, how do you like your new place."

"It's good. Though it is small for 6 people, it is still decent."

"Good to hear that! Did you call your mom? She might be worried."

"Oh shit! I forgot. Mom's so gonna scold me."

"Deserving! Now go and talk to her. I would try to come in the evening to your place."

"When are you shifting Hyung?"

"Me? I'd also leave tomorrow."

"Do tell me about your new place. I still wanna hangout with you."

" It is difficult to guarantee that kiddo. We would have to see which dorm is alloted to us. If it would be far away from yours, it would be difficult for us to meet. Okay bye now. I need to go. I have been summoned 💀"

"You really need a new vocabulary Hyung. Don't worry. I'll get you one. Bye"

*Call disconnected*

The thought of not being able to meet Han made Minho a bit upset. He really liked him and wanted to spend more time with him. He really wanted to sulk over this fact but his priority at the moment was calling his mom otherwise his mom would give him the other thirteen reasons why he should be upset.


I don't even know what I'm writing. I swear, I'm this close(👌) to delete this whole book. It was supposed to be a short story considering this is my first story ever but I'm messing it up. Let's see how long I write or how long does it take me to delete this book. See ya~


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