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It was almost twenty days before debut. All of the boys were at salon getting an overall grooming for their upcoming debut. Currently Minho was getting his hair treated while Sehyun and Jaehyun were getting manicure. Taeyang was sitting on one side with a face mask on waiting for his hair dye to dry.

Han received a call from Taejoon.

*On call*

"Hey sungie! What's up?"

" Nothing much hyung . The boys are at the parlor. I'm with them"

" Oh! Well, I had a meeting with PD-nim". We had to finalize the group's name. We came up with 'Etoile'. What do you think?"

"It sounds nice. What does it mean tho"

"It means Star. It's a French word."

"Sounds good"

"Thank god you liked it. Ask the boy's opinion and if they are okay with it, they can have a vlive tomorrow and introduce the group and give an unofficial announcement about the debut. The official one would be made on Sunday."

"Aye aye captain"

"And one more thing"


"Rude bitch. Anyways clear your schedule for tonight. We are going for drinking tonight. I got dumped by a girl."

"You are paying tho"

"Haah! Why would I pay. Your best friend got dumped. Comfort him with drinks, you idiot."

"Hyung. I don't think I'll be free tonight. The boys are havi-"

"Fine, you burnt tortilla, I'll pay."

"Yay. See you at 10 then. I can't come before that."


"Byeeeee. Love ya~~~"

*Call disconnected*

"Who were you talking to?" Minho asked scaring the shit out of Han.

"Stop sneaking to me you shithead" Han almost yelled.

"But i greeted you, you were the one not paying attention to me" Minho pouted

"Ah- Fine. I'm sorry." Han said trying to calm himself.

"So who was it?"

"Joonie Hyung. He wants to meet tonight."

"Anything special?"

"Nothing. Its been long that is why" Han said after thinking for a second.

"MINHOO HYUNGG" Taeyang yelled asking him to come back for the practice.


Han came back late after his hangout with Taejoon. It was around half past one in the night. He expected no one to be awake until now so when he saw a figure lying down on the couch with only TV on, he got scared. He came closer to the figure making as less sound as possible and was about to hit the figure, he heard him mumbling something.

"Hyungie" Minho said with a yawn.

"M-Min what are you doing here? You should be sleeping on your bed."

"It's been a long time you called me that. Hehe. I was waiting for you and didn't realise when I slept."

"I told you I'll be late. Come on, get up, go to your bed."

Minho pulled Han to the couch and brought him into his arms. Han sat there with his hands hanging on either sides of Minho. After a few seconds, he hugged back.

'All the kids consider me as a big brother. Hence the hug. Nothing more'

"You weren't that startled today otherwise everytime i hugged you, you used to flinch."

"Um- the boys made me used to it. Earlier, only Joonie hyung and mom had hugged me. Now you all do. In fact, tae and Jae have started giving me cheek kisses sometimes. So, I'm okay now." Han said smiling awkwardly still into hug.

Hearing this somehow ticked Minho. He didn't want to be the same as the other boys to Han. He pulled from the hug and asked," Hugging me and hugging them is similar?"

"Yeah I mean-"

Minho leaned dangerously close to Han's face and asked the same question again. Han's eyes got bigger seeing Minho so close. He felt his tongue tied. There was something so dominating about Minho that he shook his head indicating a no.

"Then what is it? Why is it different for me?" Minho asked, his lips slightly brushing against the elder's lips.
This was the limit for Han.

"You- I- that- I don't know. I- I am sleepy. My brain isn't w-working. I can't think. I need to sleep. Bye"

With this Han dashed to his room and hid under his blankets trying to calm himself again.

' It was nothing. Nothing happened. He is a kid. Stop acting like a virgin. IT WASN'T A KISS. but this is the first time someone's lip touched mine. HELL TO THE NO. STOP BEING A PEDOPHILE. HE CONSIDERS YOU AS A BROTHER. but what about the look in his eyes back then. HE JUST WANTS HIM TO BE YOUR FAVOURITE, STOP READING INTO THINGS.' Han had a hard time fighting with his demons. Let's just say he couldn't sleep for the entire night

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