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Minho woke up to a loud banging on his door. Not so mildly annoyed, Minho opened his door with his eyes fighting to open up.

"What the-"

Minho couldn't complete his sentence until a hand pushed him inside his own apartment. Being alarmed with the sudden intrusion, Minho got wide awake only to find the boy he was looking for so long standing right in front of him fuming with anger.

"What the hell did you do?"

"Hyung? You're here? Really? That too on your own will?"

"Minho, I'm fuckin' asking you something? That's all a lie, right?"

"Where were you all this time? I tried so much-"

"MINHOOO!!! Are you even listening?"

"I'm happy you're-"

"Stop playing around, GODDAMNIT!! Tell me you didn't retire as an idol already? What does that even mean? You're barely 27!!"

"So, that's what the ruckus is about! Umm- yes. I did."

"What's wrong with you? You were at the peak of you success. God knows if you would be able to ever-"

"It didn't make me happy anymore, hyung."


"Indeed, I was happy for a while. This made so many dreams of mine come true but it also made me loose my everything. I lost you, my parents and most importantly myself because of this. After you left, my parents broke connections with me after I came out. I had been in a constant fear for a while and this isn't something I ever wanted from my life. I wanted to pursue my passion but not at the expense of my peace. You were the only peace that this career brought me but it was the same career which made me loose you. Down the lines, I tried but it just suffocates me at this point, hyung. I can't do it anymore."


"Don't worry, hyung. This loneliness doesn't scare me anymore, hyung. I am doing better now."

Han pulled Minho into a warm embrace. For the first time, Han saw Minho so broken......so vulnerable. He could totally feel the pain he has been in.

Minho started wiggling to get out of the hug desperately.

"Hyung, please don't. I will get used to it again and you would leave me.... Again.
I have just accepted my fate. Please don't let my efforts crumble down. Please!"

Han choked a sob hearing this. This wasn't the same Minho he met. What did he turn him into?

"Min... I am sorry! I didn't know-"

"Hyung, it's okay. I know you had your reasons but so do I. So, please leave it as it is. My decision is final."


Minho who was sad a few seconds ago got embarassed hearing the sound. His stomach was grumbling.

"Umm- I'll cook something for you. You can wait on the-" Han looked around to find a place where Minho can wait. "Couch"

"N- No. It's fine. I'm not-"


"I'll be back quickly." Han didn't give Minho an opportunity to stop him again and rushed to the kitchen.

Han was shocked to see a pile of dishes in the kitchen. The dustbin was filled with take out foods, a burnt pan was on the stove with mess all around. In short, the kitchen was a total mess.

Minho was embarassed seeing the state of his place.

"You don't have to-"


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