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Han sprang out of his bed hearing the loud voice. It was the day after he returned back to his home. All he wanted was to sleep until late at his home with zero worries and wake up peacefully with a delicious breakfast made by his mom. However, his childhood friend, Park Wooyoung didn't want so. He planned to surprise his friend early in the morning but he himself got a big surprise.

Wooyoung was looking at the neck of the shirtless Han in front of him. It took the later a whole minute to understand where his friend was focusing on. It was no use hiding them now. Wooyoung got enough time examining those marks. Though they were a bit fader than the last day, it was still evident that those were hickies.

"So! Who fucked you? One night stand or your lover?" Wooyoung said after a long silence.

"Wha- Are you crazy? Why would anyone fuck me? It's totally not what you are thinking. Get your brain out of the gutter."

"Ok then please explain me what are these and please don't give me the bullshit that these are not hickies."

"No. It's not. Those are just bite marks someone accidentally made"

" Well, bite marks on neck ARE hickies and could you please elaborate on how does someone accidentally bite someone and that too on neck."

"It's not. We actually cuddled and he bit me in his sleep" Han rolled his eyes

"and you believe this bullshit? Why were you cuddling in the first place?"

"We- i don't know" Han's eyes furrowed. Han actually didn't know the answer. If he remembered correctly, both of them were lying on the two different sides of the bed with decent space between them, so it was a mystery for Han how did they end up cuddling.

Seeing the puzzled face of his friend, Wooyoung decided to drop the topic. He didn't want to make him uncomfortable because of his own curiosity.

"I guess things do happen in sleep but I do deserve to know the details. Is the dude hot? What was his reaction when you guys woke up? What's your relationship stat-"

"Geez woo, you're literally giving me headache. I don't like conversing to people the first thing in the morning, let alone getting interrogated. You know it. So just shut up." Han said being totally annoyed.

"Wake up sleepyhead- oh you're up. Mom asked you to come for breakfast. Hurry up." Giwook said and left the room.

" No one in this household lets me sleep." Han got up mumbling. Wooyoung started scrolling through his phone while lying on Han's bed waiting for him.

After freshening up, Han had his breakfast with his family and his best friend after which the interrogation session between Officer Park and the informant Han continued.


Lee family was invited for dinner on the following day by Han's mom. They were supposed to arrive by 8 in the evening. Minho was excited to see Han after two days and though Han wouldn't admit, he was also looking forward to meet the younger. The two hadn't contacted each other at all during these two days as they wanted to spend their vacation with their family and friends.

Minho dressed up unusually early that day. He chose a white oversized T-shirt with black trousers and silver earrings and necklace to go along with it. Lee family reached Han's place a few minutes later than expected. However, to Minho's disappointment, Han was out to get some groceries his mom remembered  in the last minutes of preparation. Currently, he was having conversation with his best friend, Giwook. During the conversations his eyes would involuntarily go to the main door or the watch time to time,eagerly waiting for Han but it looked like Han wasn't coming any soon.

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