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Did Han underestimate things? Yeah

Did those posts got viral? Yeah

Did he go popular? Hell Yeah

After Han came in limelight, few fan accounts were made of him which basically posted about "moments" between him and the boys. It looked like all the previous times when he was close to Étoile members or even his previous group were digged and posted by the ciels.

Be it him laughing with the boys or even as simple as just standing next to them, everything looked adorable to their fans. One thing that he came to know through the posts that what their fans adore the most was their height difference, especially that with Minho and Sehyun. He found a lot of videos where he was on his toes trying to whisper something in their ear or helping them with their hairs,etc. The fans were really having a wild imagination because of the said height difference.

Among all the chaos that happened because of these posts, the only silver lining in this situation was that a song Han made back during his teenage also got popular. He doesn't know how it started but many of the ciels were sharing and posting about the song. Though the numbers were still in thousands, he was still very happy for the recognition he received. However, when had things went all well for Han Jisung.

"Hannie! Where are you?" Taejoon said on call.

"Joonie hyung! I'm in Japan. I told you before leaving, right? Why did you call so late? Everything okay?"

"Um- actually PDnim wants to talk to you."

"PDnim? Why?"

"A-about the posts that are circulating on twitter."

"I-is he firing me?" Han almost yelled. Fear was evident in his voice.

"Nope. I'm pretty sure he won't. It would bring a bad image to the company. Moreover, i don't think he is angry."

"Then why does he wanna talk?

"I'm not sure either."

"When?" Han asked after taking a deep breath.

" Tomorrow morning."


Morning came and so did the call. All the boys were rehearsing on the stage while Han was backstage waiting for the call when he received the same.

"Han Jisung?"

"Yes Sir"

"I'm pretty sure you know what I want to talk about."

"Yes Sir." Han closed his eyes and clenched his fist in an attempt to stay calm. His hand were shivering. He felt his knees growing weak.

"Before you start worrying, I'll let you know that I'm not firing you or making you leave the group. You'd still be their manager."

"T-thank you sir." Han's legs finally gave up. He feel on his knees. Thankfully, no one was there near him.

"I wanted to talk to you because I have a few questions. Good time to talk?"

"Yes Sir"

"Great. May I know how close are you to Étoile members?"


"I mean you're friends with all of them or is there any special relationship I'm not aware of?"

"Sir, all of them are younger than me. We definitely are close but it's only on the lines of friends or younger brothers. Nothing you should be worried about?"

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