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"I saw hyung here!"

"Oh that's gre-Wait! What? Who are you talking about?" Sehyun paused his dinner and questioned.

"Who do you think?"

"Sun..gie Hyu..ng??"


"Really? How's he?"

"If you had to choose, you'll always choose him, right?"

"You know, hyung! I believe him. He'll never do anything without a reason."

"You're still at it?"

"Whether you agree or not, hyung, I know that isn't possible for that hyung to hurt anyone."

"You saw everything, Sehyun, and still you believe him?"

"I saw everything and this is exactly why I believe him. He saw me when no one did. He loved me when no one did. How can-"

"Excussse me?"

"Come on, hyung. Love can be of many types. He loved me in a friendly way. Stop being jealous about anything and everything."

"I'm not-"

"Yeah yeah... This is why you'll always interrupt me whenever I talk anything minutely cute about me and Sungie Hyung."


" I know you won't listen. Come on. Tell me what happened."

Minho told him everything that happened from the moment he first saw Han to the previous afternoon and the reason for his confusion.

"Taejoon hyung? Didn't he get engaged like two weeks ago?"


"Yeah. I don't remember who but someone definitely told me that he is engaged? He wears his engagement ring always."

"I don't care how but confirm this for mr. If that's true, I'm so gonna kill him."

"For cheating on Sungie Hyung?"

"Obvi- obviously No. For cheating on the person he is engaged with."

"You know you can't lie to me, right?"

"I'm not."

"I can see."

"Whatever. Confirm if he is engaged or not. Something is not adding up here."



"Sehyun, I swear if you called me in the middle of the night just to-"

"No, hyung, it is important. Taejoon hyung is getting married next month.''

"WHAT???" Minho sat up on his bed. He was awake all of a sudden.

"Yes. He is marrying a girl on the 4th of the next month. It is an arranged marriage and as far as I have heard, he is happy with the marriage."

"That bastard is two timing! I'm confronting him tomorrow morning the first thing. I'm going to tell hyung the truth."

"Why does it matter to you, hyung?" Sehyun smiled and asked.

"What- what do you mean? I'm no bad person. I loved him once. Of course, I will not want anything bad happen to him. He trusts him a lot. They had been friends for years. I can't let that bastard take advantage of his trust and friendship."

"Are you sure that's the only reason?"

"Yes, I am. Stop using you brain cells for unnecessary things."

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