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The boys were exhausted. Étoile had released its debut mini album. Encore stages, variety shows, interviews and what not were lined up for the boys. The boys did not even have time to think. They were working like a machine running from one schedule to another.
The only drive for the boys was the fan's warm welcome to their album especially the title track 'Never leave your way'.
They felt every drop of their blood, sweat and tears in the performance worth it.

After three weeks of promotions, the boys were finally allowed a leave for five day. Maybe the leave for the other boys was for a week but Minho had to go back to Seoul to practice his hosting skills as he was selected as a host for Musicbank. The boys decided to go to meet their family as it had been more than six months since all of them last saw their family.


Han and Minho were on the bus together as they had to go to the same place and by same place, I meant Minho' s house. Mrs. Lee had invited her favourite child saying that she was missing him.

"OMG! My babies!!!!" Mrs. Lee exclaimed and ran to engulf Han and Minho in a warm hug.

"Hannie, why have you gotten so skinny? Does Minnie make you work hard?"

"Mommmm, don't call me that!!!" Minho flushed red

"What should I not call you?" Mrs. Lee looked puzzled

"Mi- ughhhhh- i hate you" Minho stomped his leg and went to his dad to hug him.

"I love you too my baby. Now let's go and eat something. You guys look like you haven't seen food for ages"

The lunch ended with loads of good food and Minho's embarrassing childhood stories. After the lunch, the boys spent their afternoon playing video games.

Evening came and with evening came rain. Within minutes, the sky went from clear to cloudy to sprinkling rain to full on heavy rainfall. However, this didn't scare Han; what scared him was a boom of thunder echoing off the granite. Although he tried his best to stay calm, the thunders made him flinch time and again worrying the Lee family. The youngest Lee was the most worried one.

Seeing his Hyung flinch for the umpteenth time, Minho decided to do something. He dragged Han to his room and closed all the doors and windows. He made Han sit on his bed and turned on the AC at a temperature that was neither hot nor too cold. Han had no idea what the younger was trying to do.

"Shit- Hyung wait for me here. I'll be back in a minute" Minho quickly ran out of the room and came back in a minute, as promised, with an old guitar in his hand. He shut the door again and sat on the bed just in front of Han. Han raised his left eyebrow while looking at Minho as if questioning him. Minho paid no heed to Han and searched for something in his phone.

"Okay don't laugh otherwise I'll kill you and hang myself thereafter but I've started writing something. I want you to hear it and give your opinion." Minho said looking anywhere except Han. He was embarrassed to sing a song, he himself made, to Han, who was a prodigy when it comes to music.

This was the last thing Han was expecting. He was almost always with the younger but never saw him writing so it was quite a shock for him. He, however, recovered himself and gestured zipping his mouth as a sign for Minho to continue.

'Here goes nothing' Minho took a deep breath and began.

Who are you to me?

What is our relationship

Why do you tie your heart strings to mine?

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