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A stack of photos was thrown towards Han and Minho.


Minho and Han flinched with the voice. They didn't need to look at the photos to know whatever was going on.

"Shouldn't my privacy be your concern right now?" Minho gritted his teeth and said. Han grasped his hand and shook his head slightly as a sign for Minho to not argue with the CEO who was in rage at the moment.

"Sir, we're sorry but it's not what it looks like." Han said.

"Then what the hell are these pictures. Can you please elaborate? What's the relationship between you two?"

"Sir, it's-"

"I want to hear it from you, Minho. What's going on between you to?"

Minho raised his eyes to meet the CEO'S gaze and then looked back at Han.

He clenched his fist tightly and took a deep breath before saying, "There's nothing between us. We are just f-friends."

The word "friend" sounded so bitter on Minho's tongue. He hated the word so much right now but he couldn't do anything about it. He was well aware about Han's thought process. He knew that the older didn't want their relationship to be public and Minho respected that.

"Do you guys think that I am a fool? Which friends make out, may i know?"

"M-make out??" Han stuttered.

"Do you guys think that there were only those photos that were published online. For God sake, the camera was there the whole time you guys were in the hotel. It fuckin' captured everything."

"And you seriously don't plan on sueing them??? For fuck sake, there was a hidden camera in my room!!!"

"We are taking action Minho but that doesn't excuse whatever is going on between you two. Do you have any idea how much did I pay to get you intimate pictures deleted? The world would have been seeing your fuckin' porn tape if it wasn't me. "

Minho dug his nails in his palm further. He had so much to say but he knew the moment he opened his mouth, a lot of promises would be broken.

"Sir, I-"

"Mr. Han, go pack your bags. You're leaving their dorm. You'll start working with a different gr-"


"M-Min, I-"

"He's not leaving. You wanna know the truth. Fine, i am pursuing him. He doesn't like me but I am in love with this man. The kisses were stolen by me. I kind of manipulated him to kiss me. He is not in wrong. Stop punishing him for other people's mist-"

"We're dating, sir." Han stood up, closed his eyes and said this in one breath.

"H-Hyungggg? Why are you lying?" Minho added a chuckle to vouch his statement.

"We're dating, sir. We both love each other"

"Hyung, what are you-"

"You don't love me?" Han pretended to be confused.

"Huhhh???....... I mean I d-do but" Minho whispered the last part.

"Min, I'm okay with letting him know."

"R-really???" Minho faced the CEO in an instant.

"Yes sir. We are dating" Minho said with a bright smile.

"Have you both gone insane?? Is this some kind of sick joke??"

"My dating ban has already been lifted. I don't see a problem in dating him."

"He's a boy, a man. Do you even know how embarassing is that? Do you have any idea how much harm that's gonna bring to the company. No, that can't be. You guys are breaking up and stop this nonsense."

"Sorry but no. "

"Minho, you really think that I can't do anything to you just because you're a bit famous??"

"No. I don't, sir, but I am not leaving him either because your money is precious to you."

"With this kind of attitude, you aren't staying here for long"

"Really? And what would you say?? That your company is homophobic, that's why you kicked me out of the company?? Feel free to do it. "

Saying that Minho dragged Han out of the building and immediately went back to the dorm.


"Ummm Hyung, please don't worry about those pictures. All of us know that how normal it is for both of you to cuddle. You don't have to-" Minjoon said trying to comfort Minho.

"What if they do mean something??"


"Hyung, they need to know as well." Minho said while looking at Han to which Han just nodded slightly.

"Me and Hannie Hyung....... We're dating. "


"Honestly hyung, it's shocking but not at all in a negative way. All of us knew that something is going on between you two." The youngest said.

"Hyun-" Minjoon began.

"Wait. Why do i not know? You told me when you guys kissed and all but not when y'all started dating. Technically, i was the one who made you realise about your feelings, Minho Hyung. Why did you hide it from me. What the fuck?"

"Wait. Y'all kissed before dating??" Taeyang chimed in.

Han's ears were on fire hearing the conversation that was going on. They were supposed to come out to the group but how on earth did they start talking about them kissing.

"It was more than once. Just saying." Sehyun added oil to the fire.

Minho immediately put Sehyun in a headlock trying to shut him up.

"Wait so that day when you guys did that you slept the whole night on floor and not sofa... You mean you did the deed on the floor. Wasn't it uncomfor-"

"BOO TAEYANGGG!!!!! DON'T YOU DARE COMPLETE THAT!! We didn't do anything. Sleep meant actual sleep"

"So you guys didn't do IT yet." Taeyang avoided the word sex intentionally.

"NOO" The couple said simultaneously.

"Wait. What was that in the green room then when you guys were locked in for like half an hour."

Sehyun looked like a boy on mission and he was certainly enjoying it.

Both the guys were speechless. How to explain that?

"Sehyun, I'll kill you. Stop, you menace"

"Whyyyyy? I wanna knowwwww" Taeyang whined.

"It's not import-"

"They totally did it." Jaehyun looked at Taeyang with certainty.

"Hell yes!"

"No. We didn't and can you guys stop talking about your hyungs' sex life."

"Tell us the truth. We would stop."

"This assholes. I'm telling the truth. We never went all way through."

"So what did you do?"

"It was just a han-"

"LEE MINHOOOOO!!! What are you even saying???"

"Arghhhh!!! I don't know. I just can't have a serious conversation with these monkeys. I'm going to my room"

"Yaaaahhh! Lee Minhoooo! Wait for me. I'm not handling these walruses alone either."

"They're so gonna fuck." Taeyang said with a suggestive smile which was knocked down by a flying slipper that was thrown from the other end of the room.


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