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Étoile shouted in unity at the beginning of the fanmeet arranged outdoors. It was quite a windy day with gray clouds surrounding all over. However, the colours of the hanboks and the smiles their idols had were sufficient to fill the heart of the fans with warmth.

"Sungie Hyung, can you please get some safety pins for me. I slightly tore my hanbok during the performance" Sehyun whispered in Han's ears.

Han saw the tear at the chest area of hanbok and immediately went to the green room to get those pins.

He came back and gave those to Sehyun who looked at it with a confused look.

"Hyungie, I don't know how to put these on."

"This kid! Come here. I'll help"

With that being said, Han helped him to hide the tear neatly. He went a bit closer to Sehyun than what a certain boy would like him to be.

Sehyun also looked at him with adoration. Han's focused face was always his favourite. He loved how his tongue would peek everytime the elder was focused on something.

'Don't be jealous. He loves you. You're okay. They are friends. Hyung  just doesn't understand boundaries. He loves you. Trust him' Minho chanted in his head to avoid acting like a possessive good- for- nothing boyfriend.

"Hyung, tie this for me as well." Minho said unintentionally when Han was about to leave.

Han stared at him for a second bit eventually tied it for him as well.

'Why did you do that, you stupid tortilla. What would hyung think? I hate my life' Minho regretted his actions. He wanted to become mature for Han but it was nowhere happening.


"Min, is something wrong?" Han said while backhugging Minho.

"No, why??" Minho said while turning around to face Han

"I don't know. It feels weird."


"Not sure. It might totally be in my head but it feels you're hiding something."

"Nope. What would I hide? Do you wanna know anything in particular?" Minho chuckled.

"You don't say anything these days. I mean you would create so much fuss whenever someone was remotely close to me but these days you don't say anything. I mean it's weird that you've suddenly stopped complaining."

"Hyung. I am dating you now. Of course, I shouldn't create a fuss when I know I own your heart. Honestly, It's not that I don't get jealous. I so wanted to strangle Sehyun in that fanmeet. Also, let me tell you I have beef with Taeyang for kissing your cheeks the other days. I so want to beat that punk's ass-"

"Shit. You saw that."

"Yes and kindly stop reminding me else I'll break my resolution and kick his ass right now." Minho said with a sarcastic smile.

"You're getting angry." Han bit his lips to contain his grin seeing Minho's expression.

"N- No, why would I? I have decided to become more mature. I am no longer gonna create fuss about those things."

"So, they can hug and kiss me all they want?"

"Hyung, I- do whatever you guys wanna do. I won't say a-anythi- fuck it! No, they can not kiss you. Hugs are okay only for special occasions. I don't understand why can't I be cool just like you about people being so close to my boyfriend."

"Who said that i am cool about it?"


Han looked at Minho with pure love in his eyes for a few seconds before he snuggled in his chest and began, " Min, even I don't like when you care for others the Same way you do for me. Just because I'm good at hiding doesn't mean i don't get jealous. I-"

Minho pulled out of the hug to look Han directly in eyes.

"You also get jealous for me???"

Han tried to snuggle back in his chest but Minho prevented him

"Hyungggg, tell meeeeee" Minho whined.

Han looked back at Minho. His eyes were shining as if it had a separate galaxy inside.

'When was i able to detest those eyes' Han sighed

"I do."

Minho immediately pulled Han into a tight hug.

"Aaahhhh min, you're crushing me."

"Shut up, I'm so happy"


"Damn hyung, you look sexy tonight." Taeyang said while throwing his hands on Minho's shoulder.

"Hell yes, ciels are so gonna love it."

Étoile was having their first tour in Europe. Minho wore a black dress shirt having an extra button open than needed along with black tight pants. His dirty blond hair complimented his overall look.

"Come on boys! Let's get this bread. We can do it."

All the members came together in a circle, put their hands in the middle, chanted their cheer and went to the stage for the concert.

Among all the concerts they had over the past four years, this was the best. The fanchants were so loud that it would probably be heard even outside the venue. The energy level was so high. The fans were jumping during some of the songs while they waved their lightsticks during their ballets creating a beautiful wave. At the end of the concert, a fan project was displayed on the big screen with some precious photos of the members animated beautifully along with some heartfelt messages by the fans. This left the members overwhelmed. They couldn't contain their tears.

Minho was the most affected. This was probably the first time the other boys saw him crying. He cried multiple times in front of Han but never in front of the members. He wanted to be their comfort place so he didn't want to appear "weak". He sat on his knees and bowed down in front of the crowd sobbing his eyes out. His struggle was worth it. The four years of pain were worth it. Going against his parents was worth it. Becoming an idol was worth it. Something that started with a small dream of dancing became such a big part of his life. The love he received from his fans was enough for him to survive for his entire life. He didn't want anything more.


The concert ended and the boys came back to the hotel. They went live for about 40 minutes expressing their gratitude for the fan project and the amazing time. After that, they dispersed to their rooms. The room sharing arrangement was same as their dorm.

Minho went in his room to meet Han who immediately engulfed him into a hug. Minho lifted him with his thighs and patted on his butt. Han immediately wrapped his legs around the younger's waist.

"Are you okay, love??"

"You'll call me that only when I'm sad or mad, right?" Minho chuckled.

"Min!!!" Han said slightly pulling away from the hug to face Minho.

"I'm okay, hyung. Don't worry." Minho said while carrying Han to the bed.

"You do realise that we have been dating for 8 months, right? Leave dating, I've known you for like four years. I know which "okay" is actually okay and which one isn't. "

"I- I'm seriously okay. just overwhelmed but not in a negative way. So just cuddle with me and I'll be great." Minho sat on  the bed with Han still clinging onto him.

Han immediately threw himself again towards the younger causing Minho to land his back on the bed. Minho adjusted himself to get in a better position still holding Han.

Han started playing with younger's hair to help him fall asleep. If Han learnt anything about Minho in these 8 months, it was that Minho loved Han playing with his hairs. He would relax under his touch and sleep better.

Sleep took over them rather quickly because of the pure peace they were experiencing by being by one another's side. They looked like two chopsticks that were stuck together for ever and would be ruined if you try to separate them. Anyone seeing them would hope that they don't get separated ever.


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