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"HEllO, MY SQUIRREL!!" Taejoon sneakily back hugged Han and shouted in his ears. The water bottle in his hand jumped along with him drenching the front of his t-shirt.


Taejoon erupted in laughter. He had tears in his eyes from laughing so much. He had done it for uncountable times still Han flinches everytime. He was indeed a squirrel.....so aware of the noise. He really couldn't handle loud voice at all. Han started hitting him seeing him laughing so much.

"You always do this. I hate you. Stop laughing, idiot!" Han was embarrassed at this point.

"I- I love you too, m-my squirrel" Taejoon said between laughs. His stomach started hurting at this point. He was having a hard time breathing.

"H-Hyungggg, don't call me that!" Han looked at the hall where entire Etoile was sitting.

"Why??It's such a cute name." Taejoon said after managing to control his laugh. He was exhausted from laughing so much.

Han grabbed the elder's arm and pulled him closer and whispered, "I'm their manager, hyungie. I have an image to maintain. They can't know the nickname."

Taejoon was about to laugh again but his eyes went to Han's shirt which was totally soaked with water. Han had wore a white cotton shirt. He visibly gulped seeing his now almost transparent shirt. He immediately removed his eyes from him before saying,"H-Hannie, I think you should change first. You'll g-get cold." His eyes flickered from one corner of the room to another restraining himself from seeing something he shouldn't.

"Wowww! First you made me spill the water and now you are concerned." A small pout was visible on Han's face but apparently, he was unaware about the same.

Taejoon looked at Han being offended with Han's statement when his eyes again moved to his shirt.

'This boy is gonna get in trouble some day because of this.'

He tore his gaze when a jacket was wrapped around Han's body.

"Hyung, you should change first. You can fight later." Minho gave a cold look to the the eldest among the three after wrapping the Jacket around his hyung.

"Min, its- ..... Ohhh!! I'll change and come." Han was about to resist when his eyes went to his own shirt. That is how he realised why the other boys were keen on him changing.

An awkward silence filled the atmosphere as soon as Han left. Taejoon and the other boys had polar opposite relationship with Taejoon when compared to that with Han. He was extremely formal with them. It was not his fault. He liked to keep his professional life separate from his personal. He was afraid that he might become soft for them and he didn't want so. He had to be strict for the sake of their future. Therefore, he never talked to them except when it's related to work.

Han retuned a few minutes later.

"Let's go, hyung! No late night activities, you guys. We have a morning schedule tomorrow. I'll be back before midnight."

"Yes hyung, now go." The youngest urged Han.

"Ok. Bye."

With that, Han left and so left the awkward atmosphere.

"Sheeshh! He is so gentle with hyung but with us, he acts as if we're his prey."

"I can bet a hundred dollars, he has a crush on hyung!"

"Tae, this isn't a drama. They are friends from years. Of course, he is gonna be close to him." Sehyun said seeing the scowl on Minho's face. He didn't want Taeyang to be sacrificed, at least not today.

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