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Minho's heart was thumping at an unprecedented rate. His legs felt on fire but he didn't stop. He ran like his life depended on it. He ran until he reached a specific cafe. With heavy steps, he entered the cafe looking for a specific individual. He roamed his eyes, filled with urgency, around to search for that one person.

He could only release a breath of relief when he found that person talking to the barista shyly. He seemed to be blushing. With shaky legs, Minho went to the counter.

"H-hyung?" Minho wiped the tears harshly that were beginning to form in his eyes.

"Oh Minho! You came? I was getti-"
Han couldn't finish off his sentence as Minho pulled him in a hug without a word.


"What happened? Were you worried that-"

"you were gone. Don't do that to me, ever again. I beg you."

This was the moment when Han realised how Minho was trembling in his arms. He also felt something wet on his shoulder. He tried to pull out of the hug worriedly to see Minho's face but Minho didn't seem to want to let go any sooner.

"Min, please let me see you."

"Not now, please."

Minho sounded so broken right now that Han felt like crying. He was just recovering from the emotional outburst of the previous day but this was again making him weak.


"Um- guys. I don't want to interrupt you  but some people are taking pictures and I don't think you guys want this. You can go to our staff room for privacy."

Han's protective instincts kicked in and he wrapped both his arms tighter against the younger and whispered under his breath.

"Love, we need to move. People still don't understand the concept of privacy here. Let's just go somewhere else to talk, hmm?"

Han thanked the barista and took the younger to staff room without letting him lift his head from his shoulder. He didn't want his face to be seen, atleast not at the moment when Minho felt this weak.

Han led him to the bed and made him sit. He bent his knees to face the younger properly and placed his hand on the younger's both cheeks and wiped his tears with his thumb. He looked around to see if some water was there to give Minho and, fortunately, he found a carton of water bottles.

"I'll be back, hmm?" He said and straightened his legs  to get one of the bottle. To Han's surprise, he was pulled back and now he was on Minho's lap in an extremely uncomfortable position.

"Stop running away from me. You know that I have no one other than you so why do you have to do this? Aren't I already trying my everything to keep you close, even if it has to be like a friend. I already kept my feelings aside just to ensure that you were comfortable. Last night was also a dare. I didn't even touch you let alone in a suggestive way. The least I expect of you is to tell me if something I do that makes you uncomfortable. You'll find me rectifying it immediately. Can't you do me just this favour?" Minho said or rather complained while still hugging him. He still didn't want to leave him.

Han was flabbergasted. Minho was intentionally trying to stay away from him to not let him misunderstand that he was trying something?

"I wasn't.... uncomfortable."

"Hyung, stop denying. If not, you wouldn't have ran away."

"Is it okay for me to say that I was disappointed?"

"Huhh?" Minho faced Han this time.

"I was disappointed that you didn't touch me. I.... Just remembered our moments back then and wanted to feel the same but you looked as if you were avoiding it. It broke me.... how we couldn't go back to the past where I could kiss you, hold you and love you. I knew that I was the one who ruined it so I couldn't complain much either. I was so overwhelmed with the realisation that I had to get it off from my chest. That's why I just wanted to visit this beach to relax my mind but I forgot my phone and wallet. Somehow, I got help from the barista here who-"

Han was shut up by a kiss. Minho placed his hand under Han's thighs and got him in a comfortable position while still kissing him. Han interlocked their fingers and got in a proper make out session.

"Sorry but I don't care about the story right now. All I heard was that you still feel the same for me. You still love me. Please say yes." Minho whispered against Han's lips looking straight in his eyes.

"........Yes. I love you, Lee Minho." Saying it after so long sounded weird to Han but it was so worth it after seeing the spark return in Minho's eyes which was lost for years now.


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