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Han had came back to his hometown on leave. He was currently having a drinking night with Wooyoung and some of his school classmates. Han was the only single guy among them.

"So, did you get yourself a partner?" A man named Sunwoo asked Han.

Image of a certain boy smiling with his bunny teeths flashed his mind. Han's smile dropped.

'I have just been a lot with him. That's it.'

"I can swear that he remembered someone"

"Nonsense! Why do I need a love life? I am happy as it is."

"Really? You never desired to kiss or hold someone? You didn't find one person who made your heart skip a beat? Dude, beauty is literally around you. You see tons of beautiful men and women on a daily basis. How didn't you fall for even one? It's really hard to believe that." Other boy named Jay said.

Like a strip of pictures, Minho's different images flashed in his mind with each sentence. He could relate to each word with Minho.

'Nope. That's stupid.'

Han shook his head and spoke, " No amigos. I didn't. Now can we  forget about my  non existing love life and celebrate Wooyoung's marriage."

With this the focus shifted on Wooyoung and the boys enjoyed the nights with lots of soju and meat.


Han was slightly drunk when he reached back his home. He stripped out of his clothes with just his boxers on and rolled inside the blankets like a cocoon and slept.

His next morning was that great either. He woke up with a pretty bad headache that too forcefully. Apparently, a heavy body jumped on him while he was sleeping and woke him up. He was none other than Minho.

Han was confused if that was actually Minho or he was just imagining him. After all, He did miss him last night. It might just be his dream.


"You're here?"



"Hyung, it's 10 today. My vacation started yesterday itself."

Han took both of his hands out of the blanket and pinched his right arm.


"Did you think that I am a dream. You missed me that much??"

Han just slapped Minho's arm.

"Why are you here this morning?" Han questioned and got out of bed to go towards washroom.

Minho's jaw fell open and he couldn't answer Han. His eyes followed Han. He couldn't move his eyes away from him. The elder's smooth skin and his curves wanted him to commit a crime.

On the other side, Han went inside and came out of the washroom with a toothbrush in his mouth.

"So, all the guys went to their place this vacation?" He said while his mouth was still stuffed with the brush

A sinful image crossed his mind and he was hard again.

"The hell, hyung! Talk after getting that brush o-out of your m-mouth and for god's sake, wear some clothes."

Minho left Han's room and went in Giwook's who was also sleeping. He straight went to the washroom and helped himself out.

On the other side, Han just considered it as Minho being grossed with Han's bare Morning look and continued with his morning routine.


'Fuck! It's getting frequent. I need to do something.' Minho was lost in such thoughts sitting on the breakfast table.

Han also came after some time followed by Giwook.

"Oh lord! You got me strawberry waffles. I love you, mom!"

Minho saw Han devouring those delicious waffles and gulped.

"Slower hyung or you'll choke."

Can't say the same about Han but Minho did choke hearing Giwook's words while staring at Han.

'No. I am not ever seeing him again.'

Minho thought that this was the only way to avoid the dirty thoughts that have become pretty frequent these days. So that's what he did. He avoided all contacted with him during their vacation. He didn't want to make the elder uncomfortable.

Han didn't see Minho throughout the vacation. Even if he took the initiation to meet, Minho made some excuse and avoided it. He wouldn't even talk to him. Consequently, Han started missing him. He realised how big of a presence Minho had in his life. 

Though Han wouldn't admit, for the time in his life, Han was excited for the vacations to be over so he could meet Minho again. However, he didn't know that this time his trip to Seoul was going to change a lot of things for ever.

It wasn't easy for Minho as well but he did his best to avoid Han for the time being. He was sure that after being away from Han for so long, his mind wouldn't give him hard time. That's why, He behaved totally normal when they cane back to Seoul which removed all of Han's suspicion about Minho ignoring.


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