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The stress Han was going through made him dizzy and hence, he unintentionally slept after the call disconnected. He woke up to his doorbell ringing making him panic.

'How could Minho find him. There's no way he saw him when he ran away..... Or did he?'

With these thoughts, Han went near the door and looked through the peephole. To his dismay, all he could see was a man wearing black hoodie with his face covered with the hood thereof and a mask.

Han went back to his room to wear a mask himself and wore a cap and glasses try to cover his face as much as possible.
After he had covered himself, he opened the door with trembling hands.

Before Han could open his mouth, he felt like a gush of wind pushed him inside the room, making him levitate. In the blink of an eye, Han was under strong grip of a man who was hugging him so tightly that Han could feel a few of his bones crushing. The man had lifted him up in the air while hugging him and looked like having no intention of letting him down.

"Oh my god, Sungie. Do you even know how much I missed you? Thank God you're safe." Saying this, Taejoon pulled down his mask and kissed Han's forehead.

Han blushed at this.

"H-hyung put me down. I'm not a baby."

"Yes, you are, my baby squirrel."

Han again bloomed red at this.

"Hyungiee!!! I told you not to call me a squirrel."

"Why? No one's around."

"As if you stop when people are there!!"

"God!! I missed this so much!!" And once again Han was in Taejoon's embrace.


Han and Taejoon ordered their breakfast inside the room. The best friends talked about their previous six months during the breakfast and enjoyed each other's company thoroughly.

"So, are you ready to talk about it?"

Honestly, Han wasn't ready but he knew if he didn't do it now then he wouldn't ever be able to do it. Therefore, he nodded his head. He took a deep breath and began.

"Do you remember, hyung? How hard I used to work when I came. CEO-nim was so supportive of me that people used to dismiss my hardwork by calling it "luck". Everyone used to say that my dancing was god gifted or I was a born artist but no, I worked my ass off trying to be better every single day.  No one saw how I woke up for nights practicing my vocals or my dance styles.

One day CEO called a few of us in his office wanting to talk about our debut. He said they chose 15 of the trainees and only 7 out of us would be chosen to debut together. He said that company's executives are going to evaluate each of us on an individual basis first so we needed to prepare one performance wherein we had to perform on a self produced song. The music, lyrics, choreography....all of it had to be done by us and 10 days were given to us.

I worked my ass off to get everything done within 10 days. I was confident about the song. It was a perfect mix of commercial and classical music according to me. For some reasons, the evaluation was  to be done in a hotel where foreign investors were staying.

Honestly, I was confident about the song but not about myself. I was worried that I would ruin the performance. Anxiety was getting the best of me as  I had to wait until the end to perform. CEO-nim saw me getting nervous when he was going to the washroom. He patted my back and asked me to drink some water. He even sent someone with water for me to drink. I was so thankful to him.

But who knew what that evil man was upto. I started feeling weird after drinking it. Nonetheless, I went inside the audition room to perform. Despite of the nervousness, I performed well. The people in the room looked pleased with my performance.

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