Angel of mine

30 6 17

Esme's: POV

October 31th 1931: London

I was in my room and had tea party with my dolls. Father had just bought a new doll to me, I love Annabelle so much. The ghost of my grandma showed up. Just then the door opened and papa came in.

(Esme, 11)

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(Esme, 11)

"Are you talking to your ghost friends again?" he asked. "I just met my grandma." I said. Papa grapped a cross and burned me. I screamed outta pain. "You are a freak Esme." replied Anthony coldly. "Don't hurt me." I sobbed. He pushed Annabelle to the floor and kicked her.

"Nooo." I said. "I should've drowned you when you were still a baby. But your dear father saved you." replied Anthony. "Why do you hate me so much? I haven't done anything to you." I said. "I wanted a normal daughter, not a demon." he replied. "I'm not a demon, I was born this way." I said.

"I will do the thing that I should have done eleven years ago." replied Anthony. He dragged me out to the forest, he took me to a lake. "Have a nice life in hell." he said and drowned me. He laid the Annabelle doll on the ground.


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Jack's: POV

I went out, and saw a group of people. "Please help me, my daughter is dead. My husband killed my beloved Esme. You have to help me." I said and tears were streaming down my cheeks. I saw Anthony and my eyes went cold.

(Jack in the 30s)

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(Jack in the 30s)

"YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER!!" I screamed hysterically. "I had to, her soul was possessed by a demon." he said. "SHE'S NOT A DEMON!!!" I shouted. My eyes were flashing and I was shaking. "Mr. Johnson, please take care of this poor man." he said to a man in a white coat. I was send to a mental asylum for madness.

-End of the flashback-

My heart breaks for Jack

I hope you liked the chapter


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