[Chapter 9: Social Distancing]

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"Excellent." Shooting you an adoring smile in return, Hannibal curled his arms around your waist and warmly hugged you back; enjoying every single moment of your current embrace. "I'm glad you think so. After all, I would really hate to see you unhappy. I feel kind of like I'm responsible for that, seeing as I have to do everything I can just to keep the others under control."

"Oh no, it's alright...!" You swiftly reassured him, trying to comfort the psychiatrist and calm him down somehow. "Really. After this new phone and the visits to my Mom, I'll be...I'll be just fine. I honestly don't need any more gifts or luxuries."

"—And I really do care about you...you know...?" He told you in an endearing tone, his reply totally throwing you off. "I don't like seeing the other slashers give you a hard time. With how mean Krueger is and everything..."

"Oh c'mon, Freddy's not that bad." You defended the dream demon fiercely, pushing away from the hug and frowning at Hannibal entirely. "He's just a little...malicious and sharp-tongued—"

"...And what with those two "unwanted admirers" being a little bit...you know...unhinged...? Unbalanced...?" Hannibal continued angelically, bringing you back to your first encounter with Billy and Stu.

"They had their reasons, and besides, I was taught to never judge a book by its cover." You fired back, losing your happiness from mere minutes ago and instead becoming agitated.

"Ahaha...I guess people did get taught that everyday quote, now didn't they...?" The psychiatrist playfully chuckled, grasping your wrist and behaving possessive a couple of seconds afterwards. "But it's weird, because in all the time we've been dating, we've hardly gotten to spend any time together. You know what I mean, (Y/n)...?"

"Believe me, I know..." You dryly responded, already knowing how Hannibal felt when it came to you spending time with anybody else; whether it be the other killers, or simply your friends. "Your jealousy isn't exactly hidden either though, you know what I mean...?"

"I guess it's a good thing you're still studying Psychology then, hmm~?" Hannibal smiled in amusement, a tinge of mischief lingering throughout his tone while you lightly relaxed.

"Mmm, I guess. But I personally prefer to call it "picking up on specific social signs"." You pointed out with a lighthearted laugh; pulling away from his possessive hold and instead opening Norman's laptop, wanting to find an elegant cellphone to replace your own.

"If you perhaps need any assistance, please don't hesitate to ask. I'd be more than happy to help you search multiple mobile sites, not to mention—"

"Oh, no worries...!" You cheerfully brushed aside his help at once, opening several phone tabs and thinking back to the phone Amber had. You might not be a technical person, but luckily her and Laura never shut up about the latest models and designs when it came to their phones. "I think I might actually have a few ideas in mind."

"How fortunate." The psychiatrist politely remarked, shooting you another one of his pleasant smiles while he watched you choose a particular phone and place your order. "Well then, in that case, feel free to select any phone - or delivery option - that you'd like, mi amore."

His Infatuation - Slashers x Reader [Book Three]Where stories live. Discover now