[Chapter 19: Michael Vs Jason Round 2...?]

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"N...N-UH...OH...!" Jason bellowed at Michael with further hate; fury dripping from his tone after he'd gripped his pocketknife again and read the silent male's current note to you. "(Y...Y/N)'S...N-UH...OT-UH...G-UH...-G-UH...OH...ING-UH...ANY...W-UH...HER-UH...E...! SH...SHE...'S-UH...N-UH...OT-UH...G-G-UH...OH...ING-UH...ANY...W-UH...HER-UH...E...EXC...EPT-UH...HE...RE...!" [A/N: "N...NO...!" "(Y...Y/N)'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE...! SH...SHE'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE...EXCEPT HERE...!"]

"W...Wait...Jason..." You nervously called, trying to interject and stop them from starting another fight. "We...We talked about this...remember...? All I wanted was a schedule, and all we have to do now is fix what's happened today—"

"J...J-UH...UST-UH...G-UH...GE...T-UH...OU...T-UH...!" He roared brutally, slashing at Michael with his pocketknife and beginning a battle in the process. "G-UH...ET-UH...OU...T-UH...AN...D-UH...LEA...VE...US-UH...ALO...NE...! WE...W-UH...ERE...F-UH...INE...U...UN...TIL-UH...U-UN...TIL-UH...Y-UH...OU...C-UH...AME...A...AL-UH...ONG-UH...!" [A/N: "JUST GET OUT...!" "GET OUT AND LEAVE US ALONE...! WE WERE FINE UNTIL...UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG...!"]

The coldhearted stalker shook his head sharply; denying not only Jason's request to leave, but also the Crystal Lake killer's remark about you being fine before he came along. "O. ᔕᕼE Oᑌᒪᗪᑎ'T ᕼᗩᐯE EE I ᗩᑎY ᗩᑕTᑌᗩᒪ ᗪᗩᑎGE I YO ᗩᑎᗪ YOᑌᖇ ᑭᗩTETI ITTE ᗯᕼIIG ᕼᗩᗪᑎ'T ᗰᗩᗪE E ᗯᗩᑎT TO OE EE I TE IᖇᔕT ᑭᒪᗩᑕE. YO ᗩᗷᔕOᒪᑌTE OO." [A/N: "NO. SHE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN IN ANY ACTUAL DANGER IF YOU AND YOUR PATHETIC LITTLE WHINING HADN'T MADE HER WANT TO COME HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. YOU ABSOLUTE MORON."] Michael psychotically scribbled: his disturbed and deranged state forcing you to feel continuously uneasy.

"(Y...Y/N)...I-IS...N'T-UH...IN...AN...Y-UH...D-UH...AN...GER-UH...R-UH...IGH...T-UH...N-UH...OW-UH...!" Jason snapped ferociously, swiping at the other slasher again and behaving completely like a child would. "I...IT-UH...W-UH...AS-UH...Y-Y...OU...G-UH...UYS-UH...TH...AT-UH...UP...SE...T-UH...HER-UH...I...IN-UH...TH...E...F-UH...FIR-UH...ST-UH...PL...ACE...! Y-UH...OU...G-UH...UYS-UH...M-UH...ADE...HER-UH...R-UH...UN-UH...AW...AY-UH...! Y...YOU...YOU...J-J...J-UH...ERK...S-UH...!" [A/N: "(Y...Y/N)...I-ISN'T IN ANY DANGER RIGHT NOW...!" "I...IT WAS YOU GUYS THAT UPSET HER IN THE FIRST PLACE...! YOU GUYS MADE HER RUN AWAY...! Y...YOU...YOU JERKS...!"]

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