Sports Festival

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Beta read by n1ch, Shigiya, Solitary heart and 8kagi





After I had temporarily paralyzed Kiba, I brought him with me to Azazel and then recounted everything that happened.

"And so, that's the gist of it."

The man in question, Kiba, was already free from his status and was sitting beside me. I could tell that he was grumpy, but at least he was no longer acting like the prince of Kuoh and just had a serious frown with sharp eyes staring at nothing.

Azazel was looking at the picture on Kiba's phone while scratching his goatee in contemplation.

"Well, what do you know, this is indeed an Excalibur." 

"I believe that we've already established that," Kiba muttered, getting annoyed by the stalling.

This caused the Governor to chuckle. "Not in a great mood I see. Don't become another version of Vali, please. He's already a pain in the ass to deal with his constant rebel phase." As if I'll let it happen, the bastards still annoys me.

"Anyways, a bit of a surprise that Hyoudou Issei had come in contact with one of the shards in the past, or at least someone in possession of it. Taking their age into account, I do believe this adds up to the events of the past." 

"What happened?" 

Azazel turned silent for a few seconds before scratching his head. "This is kind of a touchy subject concerning both the Devil faction and the Angel faction. I don't even think the Gremory brat is fully aware of the details of this town's past. Even I had to go through sketchy channels to acquire this information. Tell me, do you know who happened to be the former overseer of Kuoh?"

I leaned forward and pondered on his question. I remembered Rias informing me of the information years ago, but it's been so long that I barely remember it. "All I know is that someone died and they happened to be one of the major clans back in the Underworld."

"Cleria Belial, cousin to Diehauser Belial and Buchou’s aunt," Kiba added the missing information. Oh, I recognized her cousin's name, he was the king of Rating Games with his broken power of negating devil powers; Power of Worthless. The perfect counter to people like Riser or even Rias, basically people who rely too much on their clan powers to win. 

"Right you are kid, that lass came here years ago, about the time Issei was about the same age as seen in the picture. Trust me when I tell you that the scandal that happened back then could have shaken the entire world.” 




“A devil fell in love with an exorcist and vice versa."



Both me and Kiba reacted in shock at the revelation. After dealing with exorcists and knowing how fanatic they can be; like Freed for example. I would have been in disbelief at one of them becoming friends with a devil, let alone in love with one! A Belial clan member no less!

Relationship of two people from different species being in love and being forbidden to see each other since they belong to different factions that were enemies.

I could already imagine the fallout this news would have created with the two factions. 

"As you may expect, the Vatican wasn't pleased with this piece of news. A heresy of the highest order, a sacrilege to Father's name. So they had no other option but to send a kill unit to assassinate those two, for this union to never happen. You see where I'm going with this?"

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