˚ ༘♡ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏 ༄

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lunas pov

january 1st. exactly 12:05 am. just minutes after everyone celebrated going into the new year. "i'm going to head to the car now okay?" he told me letting go of my hand as i nodded. harry was then walking towards me as i smiled at him. he's going to hate me for having to leave early. "he's tired so he decided to go home now." i said feeling bad for him, knowing  he really wanted to meet him. i didn't seem to realize that it was a odd of him to leave the second harry got closer to us. "oh well okay." harry says with hesitation.

i could tell he wanted to tell me something cause i knew him. i could tell what was bothering him but i was too distracted with following after my boyfriend to even make time to ask what was that was. "i-." i said pointing to the direction he left. "i gotta go." i finished and he nodded. i hated not asking what was wrong. it stood inside me that whole night. "bye." we both said and i looked at him for a second with sad eyes, hoping he was okay, but i felt this weird feeling inside like it was grasping me to stay but then i left.

when i got into the car, his eyes landed on me. he noticed i was sad that we had to leave early so he placed his hand on my lap. "i'm sorry, we had to leave so early." he says as i slowly met my eyes with him. "i know how much it means to you that i, your boyfriend meet your friends, but i still feel like it's not the right time yet, okay?" he says and i nodded understanding him as i laid my head on his shoulder.

i've been dating him for a couple of months now, only person who knows is mary jane. i haven't gotten to telling peter yet but i'm sure he'll be ready to meet him when he's ready. i'm sure of it.

so he drove me to my house and as we got there my mouth had to open and say it. "my uncle ben and aunt may aren't here." i said twirling my hair around my finger. he looked behind me then at me. for a second i thought he would decline but then the noise of his car turned off. "so what are we going to do while they're out?" he asked in a flirting way, twirling his keys around his finger.

"let's see then." i said while laughing as i grabbed his hand pulling him behind me. the second we entered our house i pinned him against my front door, looked up at him for a second then kissed him. his hand cupped my face as one hand slowly lowered onto my back. my hand met his hair as i grasped it. he then pulled apart from me as his lips went down to my neck. i gasped feeling his mouth against me.

"we should go to my room." i let out small gasps as i said this. he stopped and nodded then i grabbed his hand again as he followed behind me walking upstairs.

i pulled the collar of his shirt and pulled him down with me on my bed. i pressed my lips against his as his body hovered over me. his hand tracing down my face onto my neck. his lips then break apart from mine as he goes down my neck, lightly leaving marks. i quietly moaned in response, making him growl into my ear. i didn't feel that anything i was doing in this moment was wrong, so i was enjoying it. every second of the pleasure he was giving me. the way he softly kissed down my stomach. but that wasn't the best pleasure i've ever received.

we didn't do anything more that night, trust me. even if we were in the moment, we didn't do it. something did happen though. it's like the second we are admiring eachothers presence then the next we aren't. i mean yeah i get it, not everyone is in a good mood but for him it's like he realized something that made him change his mind. i kept trying to convince myself that maybe it was because he was busy or because he had a life besides me but no matter how hard i tried to convince this to myself something was bothering me. at this moment of the night i was with him, so lost in my own self being in "love" that i was distracted to notice the change on his face. his emotion dropped just like that. and when i held his hand.

"don't touch me." he says throwing my hand off of him. my heart dropped like i did something wrong. he gave me a look, like he was disgusted by my touch. "i'm sorry." i said but i chocked on my own words and it came out as a whisper. i watched him get off of me and off the bed, then walk straight into my bathroom without saying anything.

i looked down at my hand, feeling disgusted in myself. i then turned my head to look at myself in the mirror, maybe there's something wrong with my face? my hand traced down each side of my face. nothing wrong. i then heard the door knob move as he opened the door.

"i gotta go." he says opening my room door. i stared at him wanting to say something but nothing came out. then he stopped. "i'll see you tomorrow." he whispered but doesn't face me. i nodded silently as he left.

uncle ben and aunt may also don't know him so i bring him over whenever they're not here. i'm not sure at this moment i want to tell anyone his name. i don't even know how to say his name even when i'm alone. is that bad?

i laid down on my back staring up at my ceiling. a tear slowly fell down slowly as i thought of what just happened. it's all my fault. am i already a bad girlfriend? i didn't even stop him from leaving or to check up on him. what is wrong with me. was this a way to break up with someone? i've never read a breakup that ever happened like that. what am i going to say to mary jane?

my heart fluttered at the thought of mary jane. i should ask her to come over for some company. wait she must be with harry. i should really leave them both alone. maybe he wouldn't mind if i just steal her from him. would if they're having a moment, i wouldn't wanna ruin that for them... but i could really use some company right now.

fuck it. if they are in that moment i will apologize later. i grasped the phone into my hand as i dialed mary janes number. it rang two times. "hello?." her voice rang through the phone. "hi mj." i said in a calm way. "what happened?." she asked worryingly as i looked down at my legs and started lightly tapping the floor. "nothing, are you busy rightnow?." i just asked her not being patient. she didn't say anything so i knew she was giving harry a look. i did interrupt something didn't i?

"um no i'm not busy rightnow, why?." she asked. "i'm by myself, i need someone." i replied twirling the phone wire around my finger. "okay but harry is with me so he's coming too." she says as i can hear her smile. "okay bye." i said then ended the call.

it was so easy for me to forget what had happened just minutes ago. i never told anyone about tonight because i didn't think it was something to ever worry about.


okay i've spent the last couple months planning out the whole plot for the next chapters and it's going to be intense from now on.

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