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"Ok we meet back at the Leaky Cauldron in exactly 3 hours" Bill Weasley said to his two blonde haired daughters, "and don't let Louis out of your sight." A strawberry blonde haired boy with blue eyes and light freckles shrugged "That's not fair, the girls will drag me around all the shops they like, and I'll be bored OUT of my mind!" Bill bent down to his youngest child and took a big coin out of his pocket "how about if I give you a galleon to go with them with no fussing, just think how big an ice-cream you could buy or how many nosebleed noughets and puking pastels, but fine if you don't want..." Louis laughed and shook his fathers hand "Deal!" he said before running over to look in a shop window. Victoire , Bill and Fluers oldest daughter followed she knew that her brother had conned their father. Domonique turned around to her Uncle Harry and cousins James, Albus and Lily. "Do either of you three want to come?" she asked. James Sirius Potter turned around to his father "Can I have some money dad? a couple of galleons should do." he confidently said running his hand through his black hair (James had Harrys hair) "Fine ok I'll give you money for your books but you can buy other stuff out of your pocket money" he handed James a money pouch with a big J sowed to the front, and he strutted over to Victoire and Louis. "Make sure he behaves Domonique" Domonique smiled and walked of her long her blowing in the breeze.

James ran off, just as Ron and Hermione walked into Diagon Alley with their to children Rose and Hugo. "Rosie!" yelled Albus, running over to his favourite cousin. Albus and Rose were extremely close, they were best friends. "We 'ave been waiting for you" cried Fluer , hugging Hermione and going down to squeeze Hugo's cheek, Hugo squirmed away running to talk to Lily. "Can you believe we still have 2 years till we get to go to Hogwarts, it's not fair" Lily moaned as she and Hugo moved into the shadows away from the adults. It took a few minutes to get everyone sorted before they went to do their shopping. "So Rose, are you excited about going to Hogwarts, Albus hasn't stopped talking about it" Ginny asked her niece. Rose had red hair, unlike her cousins and brothers whos hair was ginger Rose's was red , it had been since she was born hence the name Rose. "Yeh, im so excited." she said with a huge smile on her face. "Ok so were are we going first?" asked Harry holding Lily's hand. "Can we go to Magical Menagerie please daddy , I want to see all the animals" Lily pleaded. Ginny turned around and looked at her brothers and their wives "is that ok with you?". "Yeh we need bird seed for Pig anyways" said Ron. "Actually Bill 'nd I have some business we 'ave to do something" Fluer said, her English was now more or less perfect. Bill kissed his sister on the cheek and said goodbye to his nieces and nephews and walked off. On their way to the magical pet shop they ran into Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas. "Harry, Hermionie , Ron , Ginny long time no see" bellowed Seamus, from behind him a teenage girl and a younger looking boy. "Oh yes this is Carly-Anne and Shane, Carly is starting her fifth year she's been made a prefect and Shane is starting second year." Seamus looked so proud. Carly had straight brown her that went up to her shoulders and Shane had short shaved hair. "Daddy who are they ?" came a shy voice. Nobody had noticed the five year old girl holding Dean Thomas's hand. "These are my friends from school, Guys this is Lavender, my daughter" everyone looked shocked. Hugo walked upto the little girl with long dark mousy blonde hair and blue eyes. Five years ago Dean had a drunk night and got a muggle woman pregnant, when Lavender was born the muggle woman ran away and never got in touch Dean named his daughter after Lavender Brown , who he loved before she died in the war and Den raised his daughter.

After a catch up with old friends the Weasley's and Potter's made there way to the shop. They entered the small shop, the place was tiny yet filled with cages and shelves. After 20 minutes in The Magical Menagerie Rose left with an owl she named Estrella (Spanish for star) and Albus left with a Ferret called Bruiser. The next 2 hours they spent shopping for robes, books and wands. Between the two of them Albus and Rose tried at least over fifty wands. Mr Ollivander Junior was running now since his uncle passed away. After Ollivanders they headed bac to the Leaky Cauldren were Victoire, Domonique , Louis and James were sat at a table "3 hours precisely , 3 hours precisely is this what you call 3 hours precisely , you have taken exactly 3 hours 13 minutes and 47 secands" announced James, helping Lily on to his knee. "Well do you know how many wands Al and Rose went through!" murmured Lily helping herself to her brothers butterbeer. The Weasly/Potter clang spent half an hour chatting until it got quiet late. "Well we'll see you tomorrow then at the Burrow then" Bill said before Dissaparating with Dom clinging on to his arm , Fluer dissaperated with Louis. Victoire was 17 and could apparate/ disapparate on her own but she was going over to Teddys house. James and Albus clung onto their father and Lily held her mothers hand and they all disapparated together on their way home to their cottage in Godrics Hallow.

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