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"Fred, James come on I've been waiting out here for ten minutes" shouted Domonique, who was standing outside the Gryffindor common room, "Look shouting wont make them hurry up your giving me a headache!" hissed the fat lady portrait. Two minutes later Fred and James came out of the portrait hole, "about damn time!" she said, "why aren't you going with Hendrix anyways?" asked James as they made their way to Hogsmeade, "well we're sort of fighting at the moment", James and Fred looked angry, "came down soldiers, its just something stupid". They arrived at Hogsmeade in next to no time because the three of them wanted to get to Honeydukes, Zonkos and the family shop as quick as they could, "come on James, all the good sweets 'll be gone by the time we get in, remember there's not another trip for like 3 weeks!" moaned Fred. They entered Honeydukes, Domonique topped up on gummy spiders (her favourites), peppermint quills, long-lasting bubble-gum, flavour changing gobstoppers, and a selection of gummy and liquorish sweets. "Freddie!" shouted a little girl with dark skin, Fred turned his head and just in time cached the girl in his arms, "Roxy?", "yeh" she answered. Fred hugged his sister tight, "what are you doing here?" he asked putting her down, "I'm with dad at the shop he gave me some money to get some sweets", "Fred are you ... oh hiya Roxanne" said Domonique hugging her cousin, her bag of sweets in her arm, "wow Dommie I like your hair, uncle Bill went on about it for about two weeks when you dyed it" she laughed. "Do you want to come to Zonkos with us?" asked Fred as Roxanne got some chocolate and sweets, "I don't know, I'll have to ask dad" she responded paying for her food, "oh there you to are ahh Roxy as well". The four of them walked to the end of a road were there was a huge orange building, they entered Weasleys Wizard Weezus and pushed through the crowd to the back of the shop, "dad! daddy!" shouted Roxanne George turned around "Roxy hey princess, and ... FREDDIE!" he roared with a huge grin on his face, he pulled his son into a huge hug, "hey pops" grinned Fred, "can Roxy come to Zonkos with us?", "please dad, pleassee!" Roxanne begged giving her dad the puppy dog eyes he could never say no to, "fine but Fred get her back here by 2 o'clock ok" he smiled. "Dom, hey look can we talk?" Hendrix had caught up to them in the middle of the street, "fine, see yeh later guys, bye Roxy say hey to the others" she waved goodbye and went off with him in the other direction.

"It was fun in Zonkos today, better then normal, must be you Roxy" joked James, putting his bags in an empty chair, and taking a swig of his butterbeer, Roxanne chuckled then started looking through her newly bought prank stuff. "Oh great another Weasley" spat Harvey Blackburn, "I expect your just another annoying blood traitor .." before the Slytherin could say anymore Fred had jumped up and had his wand out at the ready, "ahh my first encounter with vermin" Roxanne fired back, "ooo feisty!" "Leave my sister alone!" spat Fred, "sister? interesting!" , "look I am really not in the mood, I haven't seen my brother in a month, its nice to catch up but you are making me angry and when a Weasley get angry, especially THIS Weasley, bad things happen, Roxanne threatened. Blackburn didn't say anything , "how old are you?" she asked, Fred and James looked taken a back, "erm I'm fourteen?" , "cool, well then I look forward to seeing you next year, I'll be at Hogwarts then and I also take after my brother and uncle so if you leave now I'll make sure none of my pranks harm you in anyway", she said sweetly but with a hint of danger in her voice, the Slytherin looked angry, "was that a threat, did you threaten?", he clenched up his fist and snarled, he was getting angry, "you watch your back Weasley, you filthy blood traitor, your all dirt", "that's it..." yelled Fred and he punched him in the face, "DONT YOU DARE MESS WITH MY SISTER". Fred grabbed his bags then took his sisters hand and marched her out of the Leaky Cauldron, as she passed Roxanne gave him a smug smile as she followed her brother, all the Slytherins in the pub came rushing over to were their fellow Slytherin was sprawled out on the floor clutching his nose.

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