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Hugo was nervous, very nervous, he was starting muggle school today with his cousin Lily. They would be starting at Wessington Primary School, in Surrey, the were both in the same class along with Lily's cousin Eethan Dursley (Harry had asked Dudley to help get them into the school because Dudley was friends with the Headmaster). "Mum, whats it like? Is it scary?", Hugo asked his mum, "no sweetie it's just a place you go to learn, it can be fun sometimes, and you'll be with Lily, you two just stick together and you'll be fine", Hermione reassured her son, "we haven't got your uniform yet so just put this on" she said handing him, some jeans and a blue t-shirt and a grey hoodie and his brown coat. "Come on Ronald hurry up, its your sons first day of school" Hermione shouted up to her husband, Ron came rushing down the stairs putting his jacket on as he went, "I'm here sorry, you ready Hugo?", Hugo shrugged as he picked up his new school bag. "How are we getting there?" asked Hugo, "the Dursleys got Floo network put in for when Harry visits them, it only works from Harry and Ginnys house so we're going to their house then using the Floo network to get to the Dursleys" said Ron picking up a bowl full of powder. And that's what they did Ron climbed in first saying, "GODRICS HALLOW, THE POTTERS COTTAGE", and he disappeared in the green flames, next Hugo climbed in with his mum, he clung onto her and his backpack as they also disappeared into the green flames. "MUM, UNCLE RON'S HERE!" shouted Lily, Ron chuckled and walked into the kitchen followed by Lily, "why do all of your kids like shouting?" he asked, "don't ask us, wheres Hermione and Hugo?" asked Harry, "they're coming" he answered helping himself to Harry's toast. "Wheres Lily... oh never mind I can hear her upstairs" Hugo climbed out of the fireplace and ran up the stairs to Lily's room. Hermione entered the kitchen and saw Harry, Ginny and Ron sat around, "hey Hermione, here I made you a coffee" Ginny greeted her handing her a mug with moving flowers on that Albus had made Ginny when he was six. "We should go soon, we're walking there with Dudley" said Harry noticing the time, "I'll get the kids", Ginny put her cup in the sink and charmed the scrubber to wash it while she walked over to the bottom of the stairs and shouted of Lily and Hugo. The two red haired children came running down the stairs with their school bags hitting their bums.

"Ok Hermione you go first with Hugo, me Lily and I will follow and you two can go in together" said Ginny, Hermione and Hugo got into the fire, "NUMBER 8, WESSINGTON LANE, SURREY" shouted Hugo, then with a blink of an eye they were gone. One bye one Ginny with Lily, Ron and Harry also stepped into the fire, and disappeared, stepping out of the fireplace at 8 Wessington Lane in Surrey, home of six the Dursleys, "Ugh DAD, THEY'RE HERE!" shouted Spencer Dursley ,the oldest of the Dursley children, "Nice to see you to Spencer" Lily said sarcastically as she went to stand next to her cousin. "Mum and dad are in the kitchen" said Thomas (the second youngest he was 11), he was reading a muggle comic book of Superman, when Harry and Ron arrived, the adults went off into the kitchen saying goodbye to Spencer and Thomas. "Why aren't you two in school?" asked Hugo pleasantly, well as pleasantly as you could talk to Spencer or Thomas. "Because, there's a gas leak, freaks!" Thomas mumbled edging away from them a bit , "I don't know why they're letting you in a public school, you guys are abnormal, you'll infect all the other" spat Spencer, "just you wait till I get my wand you boring old git" warned Lily, looking angry. "I think their aguing" sighed Maria, "come on we better get going before there's a full on riot" said Dudley standing up from the chair and going to the bottom of the stairs, "EETHAN, COME ON, TIME FOR SCHOOL BUD!". Eethan came grudging down the stairs, he was a thin boy, average height for his age with dark brown hair, he looked more like his mother then his father, which made him stand out from the rest of his brothers who where all muscular and tall, the other difference between them was he had emerald green eyes, the same eyes as Harry. "Er bye Spencer, bye Thomas," he said to his brother in the living room, "BYE STANLEY" he yelled up the stairs to his other older brother, who was in his room either sleeping or reading a book about the planets like he usually did when there was no school. Lily, Hugo and Eethan all left the house, Hugo looked nervous, Lily kept looking over at her cousin and would snigger at the sight of him chewing his nails, and Eethan was walking side by side with his dad, "so whats muggle school like?" asked Lily to her cousin, "oh .. well erm you do science, .. maths .. P.E .. English" answered Eethan startled the fact that they had been talking to him. Lily nodded,, "one question, erm what's P and E?", Eethan looked taken a back, "P.E's a class were you do sports, obviously not quidditch you play football, basketball, tennis, and do running, it can be fun sometimes" said Harry, Lily nodded in agreement.

"Why's everyone looking at us?" asked Hugo nervously, "it's cause you're new and you're not wearing uniform" huffed Eethan, and as Lily and Hugo looked around everyone was wearing trousers or skirts with a polo shirt and a green jumper with the school number and coats, while Lily was wearing leggings, winter boots, her scarlet coloured Weasley jumper (the L was a dark blue) and brown coat with a fluffy hood. "Hi nice to meet you both" said a middle aged woman with a pointed face, long nose and glasses, "I'm Ms. Davis, the school headmistress", Ms' Davis shook each of their hands then, the adults. "So am I correct to assume that you two have been home schooled?" she asked Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Ron, "er yes they have, everyone in our family is home schooled up to the age of eleven" said Harry, "oh so you two are both related?" she asked a little shocked, "yes they're cousins, my wife and Ron here are siblings, me Ron and Hermione were best friends at school". The headmistress nodded in understanding, "and why do people in your family suddenly change from home schooling to going to an actual school when you turn eleven", "well when we are eleven we go to a boarding school in Hogwarts" said Ron, "yeh that's were James and Albus, my older brothers, and Rose, Hugo's sister, and the rest of our cousins are there now, I cant wait till I go" piped up Lily from next to her mother, "ahh right well, one more thing, who taught your children when they were home schooled?", "our mother" said Ginny. Once the introduction were out of the way Ms Davis lead them to their class, "so students we have two new students today this is Lily Luna Potter and Hugo Weasley I hope you will make them feel welcome" she announced to the class, "why don't you to go sit with Eethan for the moment, I believe he's related to you isn't he?" Eethan looked down at the ground while the rest looked away from the two red haired children to Eethan, "actually he's only related to me, our dads are cousins, his dad picked on my dad when they lived together so.. " Lily whispered to the teacher. Lily and Hugo went and sat down on the carpet and waved goodbye to their parents and the lesson begun.

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