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"Hey Lou, wheres Slughorn?" Charlie Macintyre asked, "oh hi Chucky" Louis greeted him, Charlie shuddered at the name Chucky, "don't call me that!" "I don't get why you get so, freaked out by the name Chucky", Charlie shuddered again, "oh yeh I forgot you've never seen that movie, have you Mr Pureblood" "what movie?", "a movie called Chucky, look when you come to mine in the summer we'll watch it, dad just got this new HD flat screen .. anyways i'm getting off topic, wheres Professor Slughorn?". Louis looked away from Charlie's eyes slightly, "no course I don't, he probably had just a few to many at The Three Broomsticks last night and overslept", "what have you done?" Charlie said out of the blue, "w-what, no course not why would you think that?" "because ..." before Charlie could say anything else, Professor Slughorn came running around the corner. "There he is" an uptight Ravenclaw cheered sarcastically, "sorry I'm late ... I er don't know what happened" Professor Slughorn said, "Professor are those bunny slippers?" Louis asked. Slughorn looked down, he was still wearing his emerald green silk robe and white fuzzy bunny slippers that had big, floppy ears, they even had a stitched on face and a small blob of fluff that was meant to look like a bunnies tale. "These, oh yeh, they're .. em all the range now, very fashionable" he said, his cheeks reddening slightly. "Well come on then lets get inside, we were meant to be brewing a potion today but dew to my lateness I think we'll just do some theory practice or something shall we" the old Professor walked through the second year Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, when he got to the door he started looking for something, "today just isn't my day" he muttered, "first I wake up late, show up to teach a class in my slippers, and now I cant find the bloody key", Louis was suddenly stood next to the professor, "let me help you professor" he said sweetly. Louis took his wand out, pointed it at the door and said, "Alohamora" and the door opened slightly with a squeak, "oh yes thank you Mr Weasley, I seem to be a bit disorientated today, 10 points to Ravenclaw" Professor Slughorn awarded him, Louis grinned, then he made his way to the back of the line were Charlie stood. "I still want to know what you've done", "I technically haven't done anything, all I did was aid and obey Vic, and it was Als' idea", Charlie gave him a look that said, 'what have you done!' but he didn't get a chance to say anything because high pitched scream came from inside the classroom. The lingering students ran in to see what had happened, "sir are you ok?" one of the Hufflepuffs asked helping the teacher up. Professor Slughorn was standing in the middle of a pile of rat and mice teddys, there were big ones, small ones, pink ones there was even a huge white mouse wearing a pirates costume along with a few rubber rats from Wizards Weasley Wheezus. "Whats with the rats sir?" someone asked, "I'm not sure, I was making my way to my desk when I tripped and all this fell on me and I nearly had a heart attack!", a small black moving rat, began climbing up Slughorns leg. "Agghhhh!" he panicked, "CLASS DISMISSED, CLASS DISMISSED!" he called, most of the Ravenclaws moaned, but they picked up their bags and left the dungeons. "That was evil!" said Charlie as he made his way up the stone steps, "it as funny" Louis grinned. "DID IT WORK DID IT WORK!" Al jumped up and down, running towards Louis, "for Merlins sake Al, its not that exciting" Molly said, she had a huge pile of books in her hand and more in the bag, "plllease Molly I know I don't LOVE pranking like James and Fred but this one way my idea, I wanna know how it went", "it was good, the sleeping potion worked, he showed up to class wearing bunny sippers, and he screamed like a girl it was hilarious" Louis said, they began talking about what had happened when they decided to go find Vic, they would show Ali there evidence later.

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