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It was Harry and Teddy's second day at Hogwarts, they were both eating in the Great Hall preparing for their first class, Teddy was sat at the Gryffindor table, (which was a strange felling, since he was in Hufflepuff when he was there) with Victoire and her best friend Chantelle, while Harry was talking with Hagrid at the teachers table up front, right next to the Headmasters chair. "Excuse me, can I have everyone's attention please!" called squeaky voiced Professor Filtwick, everyone hushed and listened, "thank you, now as you know, Mr Potter is here with Mr Lupin, to give you some advice, and teach you about the Dark Arts, and he has kindly been doing this for the past eighteen to nineteen years, and today he is going to be starting with third years, so for all the third years all your first couple of classes have been cancelled" at this all the third years burst into cheers and applause, "yes I thought you'd like that, so in around ten minutes make your way up to the seventh floor, were Mr Lupin will be waiting for you, if you don't know who that is, Mr Lupin is a metamorphagus who at the minute is sporting blue hair". The tips of Teddy's hair of turned light pink as if his hair was blushing, "ok so third years, have a good class and please be on your best behaviour" said Filtwick , and he sat back down to eat and talk to professor Slughorn, and the third years finished up their breakfasts. "Well then I'll see yeh later Hagrid, we still going down to three broomsticks later?" asked Harry, "yeh see yeh later 'arry!".

"Come on over here everyone, all third years this way please" called Teddy, who was standing not far away from two huge doors that stood open, "wow, I've never seen this classroom before" said a third year boy, "this is a special room, that only a few people know about" said Teddy smiling, he led the group of third years into the room. It had comfy seats for the children to sit, and in the middle was a large cabinet. The kids walked over and sat down, whispering and looking confused, "hey Teddy, or should I say Mr Lupin," laughed James, who came strutting into the room of requirement with Tyler by his side, "shut up Potter and go sit down" joked Teddy, hitting him on the head playfully as he passed. "Ok is everybody here?" asked Harry walking into the room, "yeh I think so" said Teddy, "ok, so welcome everybody, today we're going to be doing a very interesting lesson", Harry said to the class, the kids on the seats, started whispering and getting excited. "So, who know's what a Boggart is?" Harry asked the class, only a couple of people raised their hands, "erm, Anthony Fixpatrick," said Harry, "a boggart is a creature that takes the form of someones worst fear, for example if someone was petrified of a snake the boggart would take the form of a snake", "yes, well done, a boggart takes the form of someone's worst fear, and it just so happens that we have one in this cupboard". A few people edged backwards, "you brought a boggart into the school, are you mental" called a Slytherin girl, "oh shut up" said Ali, "calm down everyone please" yelled Teddy, "so to finish off a boggart, you need to say the incantation Ridikulous and then think of something funny for it to turn into, and the thing that really finishes it off is laughter, ok, so can you all practise the incantation please", "Ridiculous" everyone chanted, "brilliant, so who wants to go first?".

Nobody answered, "no one?" said Harry, "Teddy, do you want to go first, show them how its done", Teddy nodded and stood in front of the cabinet, "on the count of three ... two .. get ready Ted ... one!" and Harry pointed his wand at the cabinet and it burst open. Out of the cabinet walked Harry, Ginny and Victoire, "you're useless Teddy!" sneered Victoire, "yeh your parents would be ashamed, of you" called Ginny, "I'm ashamed, to call you my godson, I only took you in due to the fact your parents are dead" said Harry, Teddy pointed his wand at the 3 people and cried "Ridiculous" and three people changed into Harry, Ginny and Victoire wearing funny costumes and dancing ridiculously, the whole room burst out laughing. "So who's next?", as a Hufflepuff boy walked up Teddy walked over to Harry, Harry whispered in Teddy's ear, "you do know, nothing from that boggart is true, you are part of our family, we all love you, you know", "Thanks Harry". After many people went up to face the boggart, it was Ali's turn, "ready Ali?" asked Teddy, Ali nodded and raised her wand ready, the doors opened and out came a clown with big shoes and freaky face paint , Ali's arm trembled but she yelled the incantation and with a loud "POP" the clown changed into a singing panda with a party hat. The last person to face the boggart was James Potter, "ready James?", "ready when you are dad", the door of the cabinet opened, and out crawled Lily and Albus, "help James!, Jamie help, help us!" cried Lily, she looked frightened, "help James, it hurts!" said Al, James didn't know what to do, as he stood there, his siblings let out an ear piercing scream, "make it stop James please!" begged Lily who was wriggling around on the floor. "James, concentrate, its not real, remember that, Lily is at home with mum, Al is in his class with Rose and Scorpius, its not real James" shouted Harry over the screams, but you could see the hurt n his eyes at the sight of his two children been tortured, "say the incantation James" called Ali, going over to stand next to Harry and Teddy. 'Pull yourself together James, your the grandson of a marauder, you're a Potter, its not real' James thought, he pointed his wand at his screaming siblings and shouted "Ridiculous" and with a POP they changed to 2 monkey butlers on unicycles. "Well done James" said Teddy, as he began talking to the class again, James walked over to Harry and Ali, "well done James, that was .. intense" said Ali, patting him on the back, "well done son, you're a brilliant big brother, I remember when Lily was born, you had Albus' hand in yours ad you bent over and kissed Lily on the head" whispered Harry. "Well then everyone, that's it for today, its time for lunch, and I am starving, make sure to collect all of your belongings ok" said Harry, everyone stood up and started getting there stuff together, "everyone like the class?" asked Teddy s he held the door open, "yeh it was awesome", "it was great", "the mummy was cool, and it was funny when it got tangled in its own loo roll". When James arrived at the Great Hall with Ali he ran over to Al and gave him a huge hug, "er.. whats this for?" asked Albus, "don't get to used to it, its just .. I've had a rather traumatic experience" joked James who sat down and began putting tuna on his baked potato.

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