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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Vicki, happy birthday to you" sang the Weasleys and Potters, today was a special day it was Victoire's 18th birthday and it was also the 20th anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts and the downfall of Lord Voldermort. Victoire blew out her candles that stood on top of 4 breakfast waffles with ice-cream, whippy cream, chocolate sauce and sprinkles on them, they were all sat at the Gryffindor table, "aww thanks guys" said Victoire, looking down at her 'waffle cake'. "No probs Vic, and don't forget, Prank Week starts tomorrow" said Fred, he had gone on about Prank Week for days now ever since they had decided to start it on the 3rd of May, after the 'memorial' day and Victoire's birthday, "yeh I know, its all you've gone on about for days!" exclaimed Domonique, she helped herself to a muffin and took a bite out of it, "ew, that's mining, the foods better at the Slytherin table" and she spat out the mouthful into a napkin, "aha stop eating our food then" joked Albus. "Good morning students, as you know today is a special day, today marks the 20th anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, a battle were many lives were lost" the Hall fell silent and Professor Filtwick carried on "today classes will be cancelled, there will be a ceremony at the memorial statue, were we will all alight our wands in honour of the fallen, then we will get ready for the party tonight, and remember everyone wears white". "Thank you, everyone meet at the statue at 12 o'clock" and Filtwick sat back down and began talking to Hagrid, "did mum send you your dress Dommie?" Victoire asked, "yeh, she did, she sent Louis' outfit to me as well, I'm not supposed to give him them until before the party, she knows he'll put something all over it" joked Domonique. The cousins all ate waffles until they were full, "come on Rose, Scorpius, we'll see you later" said Al standing up "where you going?" asked Molly, "the library we have homework to finish", "again?" said Rose, "you have loads more homework then me, and I have a lot to finish" said Scorpius, "fine" huffed Rose and she followed Albus and Scorpius out of the Hall, leaving her cousins sniggering behind them.

"Come on we better get going down to the memorial service" said Louis, he was with James and Fred at Hagrids cabin "ah i'll walk up wiv yeh, come on Fang" the big dog ran up Hagrid, the four of them left the cabin and began walking over to the large statue near the gates. "Hey guys" said Domonique walking up to them, "'iya Dom, how 're yeh?" asked Hagrid, Fang jumped up at Domoniqe, "oh erm hi Fang" said Domonique as she pushed him down and wiped her top, "hey Hagrid, I'm good ta", "I think its starting" said Fred. "Here take one of these" said Rose handing each of them a candle, they all took one and stayed quiet waiting for the headmaster, after five minutes Professor Filtwick came in to a podium that had been made. "Thank you everyone, well I would like to introduce you all to Mr Bill Weasley" and out walked Bill, his scars made some people gasp, especially Victoire, Domonique and Louis, seeing their father walk onto the podium in front of all their friends. "What dad doing here?" whispered Louis, "I don't know, but he better no embarrass us" said Domonique to her brother, "er hi everyone" said Bill awkwardly, "my name's Bill Weasley, you might no my children, Victoire, she's head girl, Domonique and Louis" a few peoples head turned to look at Domonique and Louis, "I'm a Curse Breaker for Gringotts Wizarding Bank, but that's not what I'm here to talk to you about, as you know today is the 20th anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts". While Bill had been talking Henry Oswald, Domonique's boyfriend, came up behind Dom, "hey Dom, who's that, whats with the scars?" he asked, "that's my father" said Dom a little offended, "oh, I- I'm sorry", Domonique ignored him and carried on listening to her dad. "So I fought in the war, along with my wife and the rest of my family, and .. and unfortunately we- we .. we lost my brother .. Fred Weasley, his passing really changed my family, even now my brother, F-Freds twin, it really changed him" the Weasleys and Potters bowed their heads, they had never fully understood the change their dad/uncle George had gone through, "even now its not the same, and it just goes to show how war changes everything even twenty years later". People in the crowd seemed to understand that feeling, the feeling that their parents didn't always seem whole because someone they loved had died, "many people I knew died during the battle, including Remus Lupin and his wife who like to be called by her surname Tonks, passed just months after having a baby". Bill cleared his throat and carried on, "some of you may be wondering where I got these scars" he just came out and said it, said the thing most of the pupils were wondering, "well I got these scars the night that Professor Albus Dumbledore died, there was a huge fight between Dumbledore's Army, which i'm sure you've all heard of, and the order of the phoenix, and Fenir Greyback scratched me, because it wasn't the full moon I obviously wasn't turned into a werewolf, but ever since then I love raw meat and I get a bit agitated on the night of the full moon", after answering the question on everybody's mind, he carried on talking about the war heroes. After about an hour, they raised there wands and took a moment of silence for the people who lost their lives. "Thank you Mr Weasley, now you may all go for free time, at six o'clock the party will begin, have fun everyone" said Filtwick. James, Fred, Louis, Domonique and Henry (she still wasn't talking to him, for insulting her dad), walked up to the castle, about half way up Bill came jogging up to their side with Victoire at his. "Hey guys" Victoire greeted them, "hey Vic, hi dad, its a surprise seeing you here" said Louis, "well, I thought it would be a nice surprise .. and who is this?" Bill said, looking at Henry, Henry blushed a little, "I- I- I'm Henry sir, or if you want to be all formal Hendrix Oswald .. sir", he stammered, Bill eyed him up, "Oswald eh? As in the Oswald that's dating my daughter?" Henry's ears turned red and he looked down at the floor "yeh it is Uncle Bill" said Fred with a grin on his face, he was enjoying this. "Nice to meet you sir" Henry said looking up at Bill and he held out his hand, Bill acted as though he hadn't seen it, "so are you guys going to go and study or do your homework now?" asked Bill, Fred and James looked at each other and gave a sly wink, "oh yep, yep," said James, Bill raised his eyebrow, "well bye then, study time!" said Fred clapping James and Louis on the shoulders and directing them in another direction.

Fred and James knocked on the door to the Ravenclaw common room, there was a boom like a cannon and a voice spoke, "We see it once in a year, twice in a week and never in a day, what is it?" said the voice, James looked at Fred, "don't look at me, you always try and never get it" scoffed Fred, "I know" he sulked. "Where is he?" huffed Fred, sliding down the wall, "he's part Veela remember he probably still getting ready" as soon as James said that the door opened, "yeh thanks cuz" joked Louis, "there you are!" said Fred standing up, "I have a question for you, a riddle actually", said James, Fred sighed, Louis looked amused, "try the door again did you?", "yeh .. anyways , what was it .. that's it ready?, We see it once in a year, twice in a week and never in a day, what is it?" Louis laughed, "seriously you couldn't get that?" "the answer!" James sounded annoyed, "E" Louis said simply walking off. James looked shocked, "that was fast!", "it was easy" Louis said looking back, James had a lost expression on his face, "you still don't get it do you?", James was far to proud to admit that he had no clue how the letter 'E' was the answer, so he just shrugged, "in year the letter E is in there once, week there's two 'E's and day there's none" "ahh, I knew that" he said and as they walked Fred and Louis burst out in laughter. "Wow, the hall looks amazing doesn't it, look there's .. theres Uncle Fred and Remus and Nymaphadora Tonks" said Rose as she entered the Great Hall with Albus and Scorpius by her side, the Hall had been decorated with small white circular tables around the edges leaving a huge space with in the middle big enough for dancing, there was small fairies flying around everywhere, on the roof were white lanterns that lit up the hall and looked amazing with the enchanted ceiling, and on the walls hung pictures of those who died in the war, with Fred's next to Remus' and Tonks' although he kept popping into others, "it does it looks great" said Albus, "come on lets go sit down" Scorpius said, he was on a sulk about wearing all white. They walked over to a girl their age, she had really long, straight, light blonde, and big hazel eyes,, "hey Camryn can we sit down?" Albus asked, "course, hey Rosie, hi Scorpius" she greeted them. The three sat down, "you ok Cammie, you look upset?" asked Rose, Cammie was her nickname, "yeh, yeh I .. I'm fine, it just ... I've just been talking to uncle Colin" a tear threatened to fall from her eye, "yeh, we saw uncle Fred when we walked in, he looked so much like Uncle George, but his smile was just ... a lot brighter" Albus sighed, they all sat in silent for a couple of minutes until Scorpius spoke, "I don't like memorial day, not 'cause I'm not glad, You-Know-Who's gone but while everyone else is going on about how their relatives were heroes and died for a better future while my grandparents were in his inner circle, tortured and probably killed people, while my dad tried to kill Dumbledore and hugged the evilest Dark Lord in the world". Nobody spoke, "what are you all doing just sat here its meant to be a party" James bellowed, he came up to their table wearing a party hat and a Hawaii necklace with flowers (where had he got them? Albus thought), "hi James" said Rose breaking the ice, "come on Rosie lets dance" and he took her hand, "but I ..." she tried to stop him from taking her, but he was to strong and whisked her away over to the dance floor" "come on Scorpius, Camryn, lets .. have some fun" said Al standing up, the three of them went over to join their friends, and spent the rest of the night dancing and laughing, Scorpius totally forgetting about the fact he hated white and that his dad, hugged Lord Voldermort.

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