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"Aww it so good to see you, I'm so glad you're home!" Teddy was hugging Victoire so tight, "I missed you" she said to him, "hello Victoire, come on both of you, come on in you come" came Andromeda's voice from the doorway, Teddy took Victoire's hand and they walked up to the house together. "So how was France?" Teddy asked, when Andromeda had made them all tea, and where now sat at the table, "it was ok I guess, I don't really like going to France very much" she said sipping some tea, "how come, isn't it nice to see the other side of your family?" Andromeda asked. "Well, my grandmother favourites aunt Gabrielle kids best, Susanne, Giselle and Desiree, their triplets" Victoire with a hint of bitterness in her voice, "why does she like them better" asked Teddy, still holding her hand, "well Gabrielle married a pure-blood French wizard, who's family are rich and he even has a small amount of Veela in him, so...", they drank for a couple of minutes until Teddy finally spoke, "come on we better get going, it will be dark soon", "bye Andromeda" , "bye dear, if I don't see you before you go back to school have a nice time and don't worry about Teddy" Andromeda smiled as her grandson took his girlfriends hand and they left the house apparating when they got to the end of the road.

"Where are we?" asked Victoire, taking off the blind fold Teddy had put on her before they had left, she took off the blind-fold and saw a huge house in the distance she thought looked vaguely familiar, and she saw lush green fields and stables. "We're at Potter Manor Summer Boarding Home, Harry said we could use these grounds for the picnic", Potter Manor Summer Boarding Home was a summer boarding house for student of Hogwarts who couldn't or shouldn't go home for the summer, it was mainly run by Harry & Ginny, Neville, Luna & Rolf, and volunteers who helped out. At the boarding house, Harry would organize fun day trips, activities and even quidditch matches, he had started the boarding a year after the war had ended. Victoire followed Teddy to were a blanket was laid on the grass with food laid out. "You know I cant cook and I know how much you like the muggle restaurant McDonalds, and so I went into muggle London and picked some up just before you came to mine and I put a charm on it to keep it warm and I put another charm around this area so it will be warm ", Victoire smiled, she could smell the chicken burgers, fries, and nuggets and then kissed Teddy. "I'll take that as you approve of my meal choice" he laughed as they sat and began to eat, while talking, "so how was your French while you was there?" he asked laughing, Victoire gave him a dirty look before as she took a bite out of chicken burger that made mayonnaise go around her mouth and a bit on his nose, she hated speaking French, Louis and Dominique were both really good at it , she could speak it and understand it, it just didn't flow off her tongue the same way it did for her siblings,. They finished there picnic feast, and were still talking, "come on I have one more surprise", Teddy said leading her to what looked like stables, " I thought we could do a little muggle activity tonight" he said, "and what would that be?" she asked, answering her question he opened up a gate and brought out a big hazel horse, he tied it to a railing then, brought out another this one a beautiful black one. "I thought we could go horse ridding, gran took me once when I was young and it was fun" he said smiling. He helped Victoire onto the black horse, "don't be scared, it's well trained" he said, "who says I'm scared?" she asked laughing, before Teddy had even got onto his horse, Victoire had already trotted away laughing.

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