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"What are we doing today ,mum?" asked Rose, spreading jam on her toast, the Potters and Weasleys were sat in the café having breakfast, "I think we're going to the swimming pool today, aren't we?" said Hermione looking at the others, "yeh that sounds like a good idea Hermione" said Angelina, "well the come on boys, we'll meet you at the pool in about half an hour, boys Lily" said Ginny standing up and kissing George on the cheek, "see you soon" said Ron through a mouthful of sausage and mushrooms. "James, Lily don't run, Al hurry up stop lagging behind" sighed Harry, Albus was waking behind but James and Lily were running in front racing to see who could get to the cabin first, "oh come on slow coach!" said Lily to her brother, but at that moment she ran into someone and the both of the toppled over onto the grass, "watch were you're .." complained the young girl, but stopped when she realised who she had ran into, "Lily?". "Who's this Lily?" asked James, jogging up behind, "this is Elizabeth, from school", "hi nice to meet you" Elizabeth introduced herself, "nice to meet you, oh look its Teddy" said James getting distracted by someone with blue hair (he had changed it just before they got out of the van) walking up to them. "Hey, you to, and who's this?" said Teddy, "Teddy, Elizabeth .. Elizabeth, Teddy" said Lily, at that moment the rest of the Potters came walking up and so did Elizabeth's parents, "mum this is Lily we go to school together", "ahh Lily, the Lily who's really good at music?" said the mum, who had short brown hair, Lily blushed at this, "and are these your parents?". "I'm Ginny and this is my husband Harry" said Ginny, she shook their hands and Harry did the same, "nice to meet you, this is Teddy our eldest son" (Teddy blushed at this, he always did when Harry and Ginny introduced him as their own), "and this is James and Albus" said Harry, "well bye Elizabeth, we're meeting up with the others in 20 minutes, so we have to go" said Lily, "rite well bye" said Ginny following her daughter, "bye" said both Albus and Teddy. "Ugh she gets on my nerves" said Lily through gritted teeth, looking back over her shoulder, "she's so.. so annoying more annoying then Al when you wake him up early", Albus stuck his tongue out, as they reached the door. "Go on go get your trunks, Lily yours is in our bag" said Ginny trying to get everything sorted, Al went over to his pull out sofa and James to the bunk bed he was sharing with Lily, and rummaged through their stuff until they found their swimming trunks, Teddy also went over to the bed he was sleeping in and got his to, they got changed and met at the door ten minutes later, Lily was in her purple swimsuit with a dress over it, the boys just had their tops on over their trunks, "come on then we all ready?" and they left the cabin, closing the door behind them.

"'Bout time" moaned Ron, as they made their way into the pool, it was a big pool that had a waterfall at the far end of the big one, and red roped that marked the place were you could feel the waves, there was also some hot tubs and a small play area were water fell randomly from buckets or sprinklers that was close the very shallow pool for baby's. Al and Rose went off to swim, while Fred and James went to the water area, but Roxy and Hugo stayed behind waiting for Lily, "mum can you come, I don't want to drown" Lily whispered, "give me 15 minutes to get sorted then I might come in for a bit, why don't you put your arm bands for the minute", "no, I ... no Roxy and Hugo don't need them", "how about I come in with you, and try and teach you to swim ah?" suggested Teddy, Lily nodded and followed Hugo into the pool. "Just kick your legs as fast as you can, and do your arms like this" said Teddy showing Lily how to do the arms, "you can still touch the floor, just, and I'm here so don't worry", Lily kicked off from the side and swan a couple of feet before panicking. "Don't worry look I'm here" Teddy reassured her and she tried again, it took several attempts but she finally got confident and was swimming a little further each time, "you ready to go to the deep end?" asked Roxy, "yep" Lily answered and they were off Roxy and Hugo at either side of her and Teddy close by, just in case. When they reached the edge under the water fall Lily had a huge grin on her face, after staying there for a couple of minutes Lily pushed off the wall and started again, "race you!" she called, as the others began to swim after her.

"Mum there's some water slides around the corner can we go please, James and Fred will go with us to!" pleaded Rose, Hermione looked from her daughter, to her nephews, then to Ron and back to Rose, "fine, but be carefull, and don't go wandering away anywhere ok", "yes!, thanks mum, see you soon!" exclaimed Rose as the four of them went to the slides, "don't run!" could be heard from behind. "Which shall we go on first?" asked Fred getting all hyper, "calm down James" chuckled Fred, they finally decided to go on the one called BLACK HOLE, they cued for ten minutes, the rest of them having to put up with James nagging, "how long is this line?", "how much longer?", "my feet hurt", at one point Rose actually threatened to hex him at one point. "NEXT" shouted the life guard, Fred walked up first, "3..2..1 GO" the boy said, and Fred pushed off, "weee!" he cried as he went through the twisting, pitch black tube, and with a drop he landed in a deep pool, Fred climbed out and sat on the edge to wait for his cousins. Rose came down next, pushing her wet hair out of her face she went and joined her cousin, "that was awesome" she said, grinning, next came James, who made a huge splash when he came out, and finally Albus, who came out screaming like a little girl, "Al, you scream like Lucy when she thinks there's a monster under her bed!" said Fred through a huge belly laugh. They spent the next half and hour going on more slides, until it started getting late and they all started getting hungry they went to find their parents.

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